Safepay Appears Not To Be Working Properly With Firefox V43.0.2 X64

Windows 10 1511


Firefox V43.0.2 x64

Safepay appears not to be working properly with Firefox v43.0.2 x64.

v43.0 was the first release of Firefox x64 for Windows

I have a couple of websites bookmarked in Safepay and set to auto start Safepay when going to the websie. I also have the main Safepay settings set to autostart Safepay.

When I go to one of those two websites in Firefox v43.0.2 x64 Safepay does not open

When I go to one of those two websites in Windows 10 Edge Safepay does open

If I open Safepay directly and click either of those two bookmarked websites they load fine and I can login okay.

It could be a Firefox extension that is blocking Safepay from autostarting on those two websites or it could be Firefox v43 or it could be Firefox x64. My guess is it is the last of the three possibilities.

In anycase I send the appropriate information to support and hopefully they will resolve the problem.

Note: I did not try and use Firefox 43.0.2 x86 to open those websites in Safepay.


  • camarie
    camarie Principal Software Developer BD Staff

    I don't think is a Firefox extension, since the web traffic is intercepted below Firefox. I assume the website is using https.

    Can you post the address you were trying to open?
