Need New Feature With Bitdefender

One of the main reasons I bought bitdefender was to be able to stop all traffic on the internet.

What most people do not realize is that in some places you are charged by the amount of traffic that you use on the internet or there is a restriction on the amount of traffic that you are allowed to use at certain times.

I have been under both issues. Not only that, I found that my computer runs 3 times faster with the internet blocked than with it open to traffic because programs run in the back ground all the time. Microsoft windows XP or even Vista is constantly sending and recieving traffic. Its more of a bother with Vista than with XP but none the less there it is.

Before I came to bitdefender I used Norton and before that Zone Alarm. I left zone alarm because they got lazy and did not puch to improve their product and soon the product was worthless as a firewall because there was so much it would not catch.

Norton was ok and I liked it. However with their newest version they did away with the stop all traffic option for a more real time scanner.

What I am seeing here with Bitdefender is that same trend. Its stupid and moronic for firewall programmers to remove that option.

When I bought bitdefender, it had a traffic monitor button. Now it does not. It now has a time calandar which you can turn off the internet everyday. That's better than nothing but in reality its not all that convient in so many ways.

Its good for making sure the kids are doing their homework rather than surfing the net during scheduled study time.

However, there is still the problem of people like me who need a true off switch which you can just click on to stop all traffic on the net. This is beneficial to those of us who are charged for the amount of traffic we use. I do not want to pay for Microsoft access where they are sending back spy information as to what programs I used and what websites I visit. Its not that I care who knows what I do as I do nothing illegal. But I do not want to pay for it!

Right now the only option with bitdefender is to unplug the connection wire or go through a bunch of steps to disable the internet connection. The disable route is never a good idea because corruption or other problems could prevent access to the internet totally. Thus the safer method is to unplug and then plugging it back in.

This gets old fast and depending on location of computer and desk is a royal pain.

Please have someone within the development team simply add a simple switch button that stops all traffic!

That would be great.

It would be one of the best feature to promote because there is lots of internet providers which charge based on the level of traffic used.

Realtime scanning is ok when your on the net. But I would like the option at any given time to just do a quick right click on the icon in the system tray and select the block all traffic. This has been the common method by all current firewall programs that have either had it sometime in the past or currently offer this feature.

But there needs to be a Stop all traffic easy switch item to block all traffic for those of us who need it. It would also benefit those of us who use Extreme high end graphics which use up most of the system resources. By disabling the internet, the programs work much more smooth than with it on.

This is the other reason why I am asking. I had traffic happening between Microsoft and my computer and with realplay and my computer that are automatic within the programs. With Microsoft they send out a ping to get computers to answer, upload updates or to activate the spyware they built into their program.

I just had a graphic program stall out because of the internet traffic.

Please for the two major reason put in a patch for a stop all traffic option!



  • Hello pabloM,

    First of all witch version off BitDefender are you using? I suppose BitDefender Internet Security 2008 or BitDefender Total Security 2008? What build are you using to now that please right click on the red BitDefender icon near the system tray. Press on info.

    Block all traffic is still there in build 11.0.16 that is what I can confirm. Please right click on the red BitDefender icon near the system tray press on open advanced settings. At the left side press on firewall. Now normally the status tab should be highlighted if not left click on it. Normally you will see a button called block all traffic.

    There is still a traffic monitor. Once you are in the firewall section press on the activity tab there you will find all connections. To view the history please press on show log. Also when you are on the status tab you will see a graph.

    If you need to limit the internet usage you need to use parental control and enable the option web time limiter.

    Kind regards,
