Search Advisor Freezes Windows
This took me several days to work out. Windows 10 Pro 64 bit would continuously freeze when browsing.
It generally happens when changing tabs within the browser (Chrome/Fixfox/IE etc). Nothing logged in the event viewer. Eventually after much experimentation I turned off search advisor in Total Security 2016 and stability returned.
Everything is up to date.
I believe search advisor to be unstable and buggy at least with my config (attached). Anybody else?
Nobody else experiencing this? I'm wondering if it's something to do with disabling IPv6 perhaps? (or perhaps not).
I generally run:
netsh winsock resetnetsh interface ipv6 6to4 set state state=disabled undoonstop=disablednetsh interface ipv6 isatap set state state=disablednetsh interface teredo set state disabledI don't see anywhere to disable IPv6 in Bitdefender other than the Teredo adaper gets removed automatically.