Web Protection - This Page Could Not Be Verified

Hi There

For some reason my web protection part of Bitdefender doesn't seem to be working. Instead of website checks having green ticks next to them they are all yellow circles with question marks in them. When i hover over the question mark it says "This page could not be verified - We are unable to scan this page at this time".

I have rebooted my router etc and uninstalled al 3rd party Firefox apps and it's still doing it.

Any fixes or is it at Bitdefenders end?



  • Have the same today. Now it works fine, just restart your PC.

  • Rebooted but still got it. Can i assume it's something up with their servers?

    also today i got a Captcha thing come up on Google asking me to verify i wasn't a robot. I assume it's because my Bitdefender web thing isnt working right

  • Similar issue with mine. In addition, BD icon bottom right was gray and was prompting me to sign in to activate. That went away after a reboot as did most yellow can't be verified links, but not all.

    I assume a temporary net access glitch for the activation issue.

    There have been two nvidia graphics driver updates since yesterday, and two Win10 updates since Tuesday. After each of those updates there was no prompt to reboot, yet a reboot was definitely needed. Graphics were a bit funky - shockwave crashing is back in a big way, my mouse was loosing button clicks like crazy, and everything was clunky. Just rebooting was not enough. Needed a little troubleshooting.

    Run the Windows hardware/driver troubleshooter if there still seems to be any issues after these updates, then cold reboot (completely power down the machine so the hardware is fully reset).

    There were two issues that needed addressing on mine. Troubleshooter fixed the mouse issue.

  • @LoweyRamone please let us know what version of Firefox are you using. You can also try to create a new profile to see if it works under it, this is to check if the current Firefox profile is corrupted or not.

    - open a Command Prompt window with Admin privileges.
    - type in the command start firefox -p and hit enter.
    - click on the Create Profile button and follow the on screen instructions.

    The captcha on Google is not related to Bitdefender.

    @kellycraven if youre using a beta nvidia driver, that can happen.