Black Screen In Safepay

edited June 2016 in Privacy

There is a random bug with Safepay. When I open some banking site in Safepay I can't see the page of site, only black screen. I tried to open another site using Safepay, but I had black screen again there. Everything work fine after systen restart, but it happen again sometimes. P.S. I have BIS 2016, Windows 10 x64 Home. Also I use Firefox 47.0 (x64) when I open this sites in Safepay...


  • Sorin G.

    Hello Vitalik1993,

    Thank you for the feedback.

    Please disable the Hardware acceleration from the SafePay settings and let us know if the issue still reproduces itself.

  • Hello Vitalik1993,

    Thank you for the feedback.

    Please disable the Hardware acceleration from the SafePay settings and let us know if the issue still reproduces itself.

    I can disable it, but it's very random thing. I don't know when it happen again...

  • Sorin G.


    Are you using any applications that use a overlay to function, for example AOL Shield ?

  • Hello,

    Are you using any applications that use a overlay to function, for example AOL Shield ?

    No. And I tried to swith hardware acceleration off as you wrote, but it turn on after Safepay restart.

  • Vitalik1993
    edited June 2016

    Today I get black screen in Safepay again. Also I still can't disable hardware acceleration there...


    It's strange, but it seems that all buttons in site work good in Safepay now, but I can't see what this buton is. It's like black paper over the site page...

  • Sorin G.


    Thank you for your feedback, the situation has been reported to our devs.

  • Hello,

    Thank you for your feedback, the situation has been reported to our devs.

    Thanks Sorin! Tell them also that this is quite a random bug, it may be difficult to reproduce it. But I definitely had it sometimes with previous windows and also sometimes now...

  • Sorin G.


    I have provided them all the details of our conversation and they will also attempt to reproduce the situation.

  • I have the same issue. Win 10 and Firefox 47 configuration. I tryed to disable the asseleration - unsuccessful.

    So keep me please in touch, if you get any feedback from the devs.

  • Sorin G.
    Sorin G.
    edited June 2016


    As soon as there is an update me or Georgia will post it on the thread.