
When browsing, I get this warning window stating that I have been affected by virus and that I need to download the Antivirus-2009 from

Know this is Malware with high severity from google search done so far. How can I remove this permanently from my system? Bit Defender deep scan found something but can't remove it. Spybot couldn't find it.

Can you please help? Have attached the latest hijackthis log.

Thanks in advance,


/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=2689" data-fileid="2689" rel="">hijackthis_22au08.txt


  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭
    edited August 2008

    Put this file in a zip or rar archive with the password infected and attach it here !

    Download MalwareByte's AntiMalware an run a complete scan .

    Post here MalwareByte's AntiMalware's scan log :)

    Stupid Rogue software, i just hate this sh*t. <img class=" />

  • csalgau
    csalgau ✭✭
    edited August 2008

    In addition, please also upload

    C:\Documents and Settings\Prasann\Local Settings\Temp\_A00F2CEF519.exe