How to clear informations synchronized in the cloud?

Fabio Danzetta
edited January 2017 in Privacy

Hi to all,

i have a question: i delete the db local file on my computer of wallet because i formatted.

The informations on the db file they were synchronized in the cloud of bitdefender.

How can i eliminate them?

I saw that there is no client to access the cloud.

I have master password of wallet but without local file It is useless.......

Thanks to all.


  • Sorin G.



    If you have the Wallet synced with the cloud, the product will automatically download the Wallet on your machine once provided with the password.

    You just need to be logged into the Central account that uploaded the Wallet in the first place.

  • Hi Sorin and thanks for your replay.

    I installed Internet Security 2017 and i log-in through the product on bitdefender central but i don't find any wallet file on my pc.

    I try to find on program data\bitdefender ecc.

    I logged in with central password.

    Is therefore possible that I never synchronized the wallet in the past because the file is not in my pc? Or the path in which I tried is wrong? 

