Unable to install BD total security 2017


I purchased the BD total security in March 2017 and had been using it till date. I started getting crashes and BD got unresponsive and finally I started getting error that Windows has blocked the application. I tried some quick fixes via a google search but nothing seem to work. So as a last option I uninstalled BD and tried installing again from BD central. But everytime it opens the download progress window and once download finishes, there's no installation popup window. Unfortunately, the download window doesn't specify the name of the file and the location where it is being downloaded. So couldn't even find the downloaded file. 

Has anyone encountered this Windows blocking the BD application error? I'm now unable to even install BD again.


  • Hello,


    Please contact our support team via bitsy@bitdefender.com and provide them the logs from the Bitdefender Support Tool.


    Please also provide them with a screenshot of the received error.

  • Alok
    edited May 2017

    As feared, I am unable to run even the BD support tool on my system. It gives me the same error that Windows has blocked BD application. Only way out for me is to email support team and hope for a solution from them.

    Why can't I find any link or a simple email address for customer support? Am I missing anything? Whenever I click on 'Open and email ticket' link, it takes me back to customer support home page and asks me to choose an already discussed topic. 

    I'm starting to regret my decision to switch to BitDefender.

  • Hello,


    Please check your Inbox, please reply to it at your earliest convenience.