Bitdefender IS 2018 Question | Safe Files Message Box

I am trialing Bitdefender IS 2018 and have a question about its behavior when suspect behavior is detected via the "Safe Files" module. Please be gentle with me as this is my first experience with Bitdefender, having used KIS, Norton, Eset, and Emsisoft in the past.

I've noticed on a couple occasions during my testing that the Safe Files dialogue box has been displayed, similar to the image I have included which is taken from the official Bitdefender explanation of "Safe Files". On these occasions, the software making the "suspect" changes was legitimate behavior and something I very much directed the software to do. I cannot remember all instances, but I do remember on one occasion it was during an uninstall.

I would expect the dialogue box to present two options, to keep blocking or to permit the behavior (maybe "permit and view details" so the legitimate software can continue on with its action and so the user can add the software to Application Access list). But the choices are only to "Keep blocking" and "View details". Obviously if I don't want to "keep blocking" this activity, then I must want to "approve it and allow" the software to continue changing the file. My question is: when I choose the "View details" option, what does Bitdefender actually do? Does it "allow" the change? Yes, I know I can then go to the Application Access list and add the software to the list, but what of the change to the file which prompted the message box in the first place? Does Bitdefender allow that particular instance of change, or do I have to add the software to the Application Access list first, and then try and go back and have the software make the change again?

To illustrate my question, here is a very simple example:  

  • I use some off the wall uncommon word processor named "ABCD" to change a text file in the "safe folder". The word processor is legit, but unknown to Bitdefender, so it gives me the prompt to "block" or to "view details".

  • I select "View details" from the dialogue box.

  • What happens to the change I was just trying to make? Will Bitdefender allow "ABCD" software to make that change without any further action on my part if I select "View details", or do I first need to go and add "ABCD" software to the Application Access list, then go back and try to make the change to the text file again?

At this point I'm assuming the "View details" action will allow the software to continue on and do what is was going to do, but I can find no documentation that explicitly states what the behavior will be.

Thanks for reading.



  • Friendly bump for visibility...I'm surprised no one knows the answer to what I thought would be a routine question. Bitdefender certainly looks and feels like a good product, but not sure I can justify installing something where the result of such a fundamental course of action is not known. Please help if you can.

    Thank you.