

Why not the smallest size widget or can this size be modified ???


  • columbo

    For me, the size is ok, but I wish we could allow it to "stay on top" of all windows. 

  • columbo
    edited February 2018

    It's been awhile for me in using BD, so I forgot about this one by Gerogia to allow the widget always be on top. From this /index.php?/topic/46369-security-widget/&tab=comments#comment-192368" rel="">Thread,  about the12 post down. 

    On my re-start, BD did had services that stopped (gray system tray icon), but on the 2nd re-boot, it cleared up. So maybe do this with that in mind?


    Hello all,

    Thank you for your feedback regarding the Security Widget.

    I have created the request to the Testing team and I will now wait for their update. As soon as I will have new information on this case I will post back.

    In the meantime, please tell me if this workaround fixes the issue:

    In Safe Mode:

    - go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bitdefender\Bitdefender Total Security\ (the last part is different based on the Bitdefender product you have)

    - right in the right panel > New > DWORD (32 bit) Value

    - name it "sab_on_top" (without quotes)

    - double click on the new entry "sab_on_top" and enter this Value data: 1

    - click OK to validate the changes, then restart the computer

    Thanks again, hope you all have a beautiful week ahead!


    always on top.PNG