problems accessing the router interface


Bitdefender with the latest update seems to block the OpenWrt firmware and this site , this problem leads to the inaccessibility of the router's web interface!

As a solution to this problem, encrypted web scanning must be disabled!

Mozila eror.PNG

OpenWrt Google Chrome Unsupported protocol.PNG

Opera Unsupported protocol.PNG

eroare accesare interfata web router.PNG


"Nu urăsc tehnologia, nu urăsc hackerii, pentru că asta vine odată cu ea"


  • olimpiu86
    olimpiu86 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018

    This problem is going to be resolved, a similar topic is being opened on  Romanian forum, i posted here to present the solution to this problem!

    /index.php?/topic/79988-eroare-accesare-interfata-router/&tab=comments&do=embed&comment=286887&embedComment=286887&embedDo=findComment#comment-286887" style="height:223px;max-width:502px;">

    Good luck




    "Nu urăsc tehnologia, nu urăsc hackerii, pentru că asta vine odată cu ea"

  • olimpiu86
    olimpiu86 ✭✭✭

    It seems like the solving for this problem comes with the latest version of Bitdefender!

    Thank you


    "Nu urăsc tehnologia, nu urăsc hackerii, pentru că asta vine odată cu ea"