ransom ware scan during start up
I have spent a lot of hours trying to figure out why my windows 10 computer stops halfway through windows 10 bootup and pauses 90 seconds. I finally found it. It is the ransomware scan in the protection window. I unchecked it and my windows 10 boot_s so quick I can hardly believe it. It has been taking that extra 90 seconds for months. Does Bitdefender have any update to increase the speed of this ransomware scan? I would like the protection, but not at a 90 second bootup pause.
Hello amxcoder,
We would like to further investigate this. Please send us an email at bitsy@bitdefender.com and include a Support Tool log with the option Reproduce this issue enabled:
- enable the Option Reproduce this issue
- reproduce the issue
- reboot your PC
- when the windows with the Support Tool log appears, click on Finish
- then generate the log.