Installation of all devices not working using the email send link

edited February 2022 in Install and Updates

I have my i phone 6 protected

I couldnt get my laptop protected by email it scrambled so had to log in on the comp to download direct

Similarly my ipad just pixelates and it forces you to get the app ( ios13 running )

Similarly my wifes Iphone 5 s

Similarly my Ipad mini

Do I just take each and login as the original and activate "this device" # ?

Im not tech savvy but as described it suggests its easy and it isnt , in fact there are a few negative reviews on the app .

Do you actually need the app on the phones at ipad ?


  • Hey @Littlefair_19Paul ,

    As per my understanding, using a download link did not work on your laptop, however, that matter was resolved by direct download from our website.

    I am not quite sure if I understood the issue described with the iOS devices, could you please give me a few more details?

    In order to answer your question regarding the usefulness of our solution on iOS devices, basically, it is not an antivirus as Apple imposes certain limitations that do not allow us to implement such a feature.

    Our iOS application does, however, come with the Account Privacy, Web protection and VPN features.

    With the Account Privacy feature, you can find out whether your email accounts have been leaked. Is your account still private? Simply validate your email address with the app and Bitdefender Mobile Security for iOS will run a check to discover if your privacy has been breached and let you know if it’s time to change passwords.

    Web protection will filter out any malicious webpage/URL that you may be trying to access. If a malicious/dangerous website is found, Bitdefender will prevent you from accessing it and will let you know why it was blocked.

    With Bitdefender VPN you can keep your data private each time you connect to unsecured wireless networks while in airports, malls, cafés, or hotels. This way, unfortunate situations such as theft of personal data, or attempts to make your device’s IP address accessible to hackers can be avoided.

  • Hi Alex I’ve installed it on my lap top and I’ve installed it on my Apple Phone without a problem .

    I still cannot get the installation onto my iPad no matter how I try either with an email download or logging into central and a direct installation onto the device .

    It shows a download message bubble pointing upwards repeatedly flashing and I activate the arrow above the message bubble then , it pixekates ( the circle bits rotating as if it’s trying ) and then it hangs, it says it’s 3.8 meg but it doesn’t download , read and execute . When you tap view is says nothing to view . A blank sheet appears and the file as a jumble of letters as it’s name

    Ive left it for half an hour and nothing happens . The iPad operates on iOS 13 and there is ample memory

    is there another way ? Otherwise it’s unlikely to be giving 5 devices . I have an iPad mini and there is no point trying on that .

    My wife’s phone has not got the iOS 12 it says is necessary .

  • Was this resolved? If yes, how?