Suggestions for Bitdefender Firewall?

edited June 2020 in Firewall


I am very happy with Bitdefenders Total Security. The Firewall is better then Comodos, but way more user-friendly!

Question 🙋

The firewall asks me about windows system applications and browsers sometimes. How do I know which to accept and which not to?

For example: "Edge got changed and wants to reach IP "Inser IP number here".

Sometimes these are just Windows. Even if the destination isn't microsoft.

Bitdefender caught my chrome trying to reach a blacklisted site (thanks!). That's good. But how do I know that something Bitdefender blocks, isn't a false positive?

Or how do I know if the Windows services/applications I get questioned about are as it should be, or Edge getting redirected?

Is there any tool that can scan my Bitdefender firewall for anomolies or use a cloud to check all allowed connections?


Vault-Tec Boy likes BitDefender


  • Flexx
    edited June 2020


    1) For firewall related questions, kindly check below links. Personally saying, there is no known way to tell whether to accept or deny access of certain applications in firewall. Until & unless you can recall it by yourself that a particular app is safe you can allow its access otherwise deny it.

    2) Until and unless Bitdefender is blocking things on your PC, you should be safe. But if you still have assumptions that the things blocked by bitdefender may not be malicious, you can do two things :

    • recheck the file/ url on
    • resend the file/ url to malware research team to recheck it through online forum ( .A ticket will be automatically be created but you will not receive any response back on the ticket. The only way to figure out is to wait for 72 hours, if the submitted file/ url is still detected, it means it is malicious but if the detection is removed, then the detection created earlier was a false detection.

    If you still have any issues, kindly drop an email to bitdefender support at .

    Response may be delayed due to less staff and covid19. Rest be assured, they will reply back asap.

    If this helps, kindly mark answer as agree/ accepted



    (Bitdefender beta tester 2019/ 2020)

    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • SwedishGoth


    Thanks for answering!

    You didn't really answer my question though. Bitdefender is very good at blocking real threats, but like ALL firewalls, they need to "Learn", that your Steam app, is perfectly safe to let out and use java.

    Normally when "viruses" wants to get out of the firewall, (lets call them all for that. Makes it easier), you already are infected and the collection of logs on you, or sending your position to spam servers. Its to late to just take that file and destroy. You system is infected already, somewhere.

    I understand, as a system administrator in Win 10, that its near impossible for a human to keep up with what to allow in our firewalls. 100s of functions, tasks, apps, calls, echos, pings, telnet, or via Bluetooth (I HATE BLUETOOTH!), are valid passangers every day.

    Bitdefender Firewall already show you a info box on SOME treats it stopped. But you get no such info when bitdefender asks you to allow Fat_Swedish_app_tosteal_your_spotify.dll, through your firewall.

    I am a brand new customer to Bitdefender. I was a comodo customer for 3 years with their top of the line, and FREE (???!!) (they charge now) Firewall, sandbox etc.

    Where is Bitdefenders Sandbox? Or a Selflearning Firewall? (Dont say the profiles, or I'll smack a cute rubber duck!)

    Kasps Firewall is pretty good at learning. But it takes DAILY work to maintain.

    The few info boxes Bitdefender has on treats....make more of them and have them pop up when the user needs to decide? I guess I have to turn off notifications for firewall, and simply look there when something doesn't work on the puter.

    I will NOT pester support every time I encounter something BD Firewalls stops that I have no clue what it is ;).

    --Kurnn, Son Of Moo'G

  • Flexx

    Sorry for the inconvenience caused to to you. Since forum only provides you with limited support and you do not want to contact support for this, let me tag another community member and see if he can help you in any other way (@Jayakrishnan)



    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • I want to contact support but the supporttool fails to send the logs it gathers.

    The zip logfile was 14gb large in june, and got reduced to 5gb in sepember when i removed and reinstalled bitdefender fresh.

    Still will not send the log file. Windows logs points to bitdefender firewall as the reason. Net access denied to send log file, by bitdefender firewall.

    I tried to reset the firewall settings, but still get the same deny log. Why is the firewall blocking itself from sending it own logs?

    Note, the bitdefender firewall is great! I am a system tech specialist who likes and understand the firewall function and its huge logs.

    Bitdefender doing the job automaticly as firewall as good as i have done manually since 1991 😁

    This is no complaint, since i know for a fact the firewall is working very good.

    I just dont understand why your own logs get denied, and there are no logs in bitdefender about it.