Bitdefender home scanner

Bitdefender home scanner

Uninstall Bitdefender free

The uninstalling of Bitdefender free version showd a message “ a error had occurred “ . The uninstall stopper. Bitdefender is stil installed but is not working. Uninstall keeps om giving the error message.

The services of Bitdefender keeps working and can’t be stopped. Reinstall Bitdefender is no option because its recognized the installed part of Bitdefender as a complete install en stoomde installing.

Its a problem i can’t uninstall, Bitdefender would not work as it should and i can’t reinstall.

I there anyone that knows a solution.




  • mod
    edited July 2020


    Okay, so we need to go into safe mode now, to solve this issue.

    1) Uninstall bitdefender agent and bitdefender free antivirus

    2) Restart pc in safe mode (

    3) As soon as desktop opens, assuming your windows drive is C, open below things in run (windows icon + r) command one by one :

    C:\Program Files (delete any folder with name bitdefender)

    C:\Program Files (x86) (delete any folder with name bitdefender)

    C:\ProgramData (delete any folder with name bitdefender)

    C:\Users\{your pc name}\AppData\Local (delete any folder with name bitdefender)

    4) Open run command again and run below command one by one :

    temp ,delete all the files in the folder

    %temp% ,delete all the files in folder

    prefetch ,delete all the files in folder

    5) Restart your pc in general mode by unticking the option that you selected to run the system in safe mode and then click apply.

    6) Try reinstalling bitdefender free

    Keep posted.



    (Bitdefender beta tester 2019/ 2020)

    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)


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