Temporary disable Bitdefender via System icon or Profile

edited January 2022 in General Topics


I use my PC for two reasons. The first one is my music studio, running software to compose and produce music. The second reason is connecting to my work at the hospital.

I am very pleased with the Bitdefender software but when using my computer for composing and producing music I want to benefit form th complete power of my PC, like disk streaming, processors and memory are very important. I this situation I am not connecting to the internet at al, not using any mail programs, ...

So I would be very handy to right click in on the Bitdefender System icon and chose the options to temporary deactivate the complete software. It would be nice to have extra selection options like 10 minutes, 1 hour,... but the most important will be Until Next Power On.

that way Bitdefender will be completely disabled easy and gives me extra resources for my musical creations.

An other way to solve this is to create a Profile so when my studio software is used, Bitdefender will automatically remove itself from active status until next boot of the PC.

Thanks for your attention.


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