What is the sequence of Dataflow in Sitecore?

Can any of you describe me about what is the sequence of Dataflow in Sitecore?
I have already read many topics regarding this but it is NOT clear for me.
Thanks in Advance.
Hello John06
The following information describes how the data flows in Sitecore when a visitor interacts with the website:
1.Sitcore xDB redirects the visitor to the nearest data center based on the visitor's geographical location.
2.The visitor is directed to the Sitcore Content Delivery Center via load balancing software.
3.During this period, contact details along with interaction data are stored in session mode.
4.At the end of the session, the stored data is sent to the collection database for processing.
5.Next, the processing layer aggregates the interaction data and stores it in the reporting database. It is used by the reporting layer.
6.Finally, the reporting database is queried by the reporting service and the reporting data is retrieved for the Experience Analytics app.
Hope, you got the answer.
Thank you.