Bd V10 Globe Vanishes After Update


I have recently installed a new HDD and installed Windows XP Pro SP1 and updated it to SP3 and all the rest of the updates. I installed Bit Defender v10 which I've had for just over a year and a half which means my license expires in a few months (it was a 2 year license). I'd like to make full use of my license so rather than buy the latest version I'd like to continue with this one.

Anyway, obviously there are quite a few updates to install from a fresh re-install from the CD. BD works just fine before updating but after a reboot the red globe on the taskbar has gone and so has the activity bar. In running processes 'bdagent.exe' and 'bdss.exe' are still listed which to me suggests BD is working. But with no globe I have no way of schedluing tasks, performing scans, adding entries to the firewall allow list etc. I also don't have any visual indication of BD's activity. And all this after the update. So I'm currently using BD out-of-date, if I update it I loose all control of the program.

Also BD insists on popping up the 'create a profile' dialog box many times at random moments, even though I have already completed the profile set-up. If I click Next with the Default name it just says a profile already exists.

The HD was blank before I installed XP Pro and BD v10 and didn't access the internet until I had installed BD then the Windows updates so I don't see a chance of picking up a virus in that short space of time.

I am yet to use sysdump and bdfilelog to gather system info for BD tech support. I can't find an email address on BD's site. Is support@... (under 'Help' in the program) still an active address for tech support?

Also my serial key isn't accepted after registering on the UK site of Bit Defender (is the serial key the one printed on the label stuck to the front of my BD manual? The same used to register the program when installed?
