Unable to read product reviews

in General talk
I can't access product reviews on retailer websites, I can access them with I phone but not on my laptop. I've tried several retailers using Chrome and Edge without any luck, Best Buy and Amazon; no problem. Lowe's, Home Depot, Canadian Tire--- I can't access their customer reviews. I am using Bitdefender and Malwarebytes and not sure what is causing the problem
I’m not very techy. I don’t know how to do screen shots. However I fiddled around with Chrome and reset it disabling all extensions and it resolved my problem. As soon as I activated the extensions my problem came back. I turned off all the extensions but my problem continued and I had to reset Chrome again. With Edge all I needed to do was disable You Tube Add blocker. I fiddled around for about an hour after posting my problem. The only thing is I can’t activate my extensions in Chrome if I want to read product reviews on specific web sites0
I'm glad you've solved your problem, from what you are saying, it is not related to Bitdefender.
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