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VPN, lost internet connection, wifi.

edited January 2022 in VPN

Hi, after upgrading to Win11 I have problems with Bitdefender VPN, everytime I activate VPN, the connection to internet is lost in my wifi. I had this issue sometimes in Win10 but now always.

When I disconnect VPN, then wifi works with internet again, any suggestions?


  • Alexandru_BD

    Hello and welcome to the Bitdefender Community.

    There are a few general causes for connection errors encountered by Bitdefender VPN. You may check the following article for troubleshooting steps:

    If the issue still persists afterwards, I would recommend contacting the Technical Support Teams, as more information might be required to find the root cause. You can get in touch with our engineers by choosing one of the contact methods available here:

     Stay safe.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Ros

    Hi and thanks, I have tried different solutions, the connection to internet still continue to stop working everytime I use VPN. Reinstall, turn off firewall and other things does not help. Support does not respond to case.

  • Alexandru_BD


    I have noticed you have 3 open cases with our Support Teams. Kindly be advised some delays in processing may occur, as we have received an increased number of requests over the past few weeks, but they are working round the clock to improve their response time. I have requested for an update and one of our engineers will respond in the shortest time possible.

    Thank you for your understanding and stay safe!

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user