Russian cyber harassment
To Whom It May Concern,
I would like to reach out to you since you are one of the world’s expert in the cyber security. Me and my family are being cyber harassed for many years. I used to live in Russia but moved to United States in 2003. Since then the attacks started. The suspect is the former Russian military- *****, who was the military cyber engineer serving in *******, ******, Kazakhstan through 1994. When he retired and moved to Russia, Moscow’s oblast, ****** ****** *******, *******, he appears to continue to have ties to the advanced military cyber surveillance (possible ATP28 or ATP29, although there is no proof). I’ve read many articles on your work tracing down these hackers and wanted to ask for your advice on this matter. What product I can use in order for me to protect my home network from russian aggressors? My attempt to investigate this activity in Russia did not yield any results.
Oksana Tkachuk
Hello @Otkachuk and welcome to the Community!
Firstly, we would kindly ask you not to include personal data in your messages, as this forum is public and the privacy and security of our users is of utmost importance.
In regards to your request, our consumer and business products detect advanced attacks using behavior-based detection and in addition, you should consider the best security practices. Here's a guide that provides more information on how to protect your home against the most dangerous cyber attacks:
Best regards.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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The majority of Russian survey participants who witnessed online aggression as of 2019, said that cyber bullying was targeted at people whom they did not know. The second most observed vulnerable group were public persons, such as bloggers, celebrities, and politicians. At the same time, nearly one quarter of respondents admitted that they themselves were bullied on the internet. Overall, 42 percent of Russians the online world absolutely or rather safe.