Is it possible the abonnement card of this brand expires without having used it?

Dear security community members,

Last August, I bought a card of this Brand to secure my laptop. I write opinion articles, and I have been hacked before, probably by Russian teams. Today's date is Januari 26th 2022 ; tensions of military and political color are rising with some hundred thousand soldiers of Russia readying "for exercises" at the Oekraine border. I write about this historic and security topic. So I decided to renew my enhanced protection of digital internet communication. I wanted to do this using the card I bought in the famous Fnac shop chain last summer. When I follow the procedures, the activation number on my card is rejected. What is wrong? Is it possible that the protection offered by this firm expires? This is not mentioned anywhere at any rate. Or do I have to insert a larger number, as it is printed in two parts on my ticket? I tried so, but this number was rejected too. I would be glad to receive answers that could lead to a solution, other than buying a new card. And I would be pleased when Bitdefender would communicate in a better, more adequate way. The Help function was not helpful.


  • Hello @WolfWisperer and welcome to the Community!

    To provide you with an accurate response, we would have to check the code first and see exactly what the status is.

    Kindly send me a private message with the code and I shall further advise.

    Stay safe.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user