How to install Total Security in Win7?

Hi, it seems that I have same problem described in

(see picture from March 2021 by FK1986) and many other posts.

I've installed iso image with "Windows7 Professional 64bit SP1" downloaded from DELL web for my old Latitude E5530. It contains updates until 2016.

Installation of Total Security was successfull (I had to install SP2 for Win7), but I'm not able to open GUI - there is a message in the window, that my Internet Explorer has to be upgraded. But, there is no newer version and installation of MS Edge did not solve the problem.

Please, can anybody give me recipe how to solve this IE problem or how to skip this step? Maybe some KB helps or .NET version? I spent cca six hours :-( The worst thing is, that there is no information in the window, why Bitdefender thinks that the IE is old :-(


  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2022

    Hi @KBla

    Just so you know, I am not a Geek, but it just seems to me you're trying to cobble together an outdated version of Windows 7 from an iso image without all of the patches, updates, and upgrades that would have normally been installed during its normal supported life cycle. At that time, didn't Windows 7 originally include IE 8, then through its normal updates etc. upgrade into IE 11? I don't think trying to install Edge would work, it doesn't have the background coding, etc. of the previous IE updates. I can be wrong, but it just seems like you're hoping for more than can be expected. Maybe someone here will prove me wrong and have a solution, that's okay, as I don't mind learning :)

    The thread you have linked to is an older thread, even though there are some newer posts, but some even seemed to be confused as to the need of having IE at all, even though it was explained in that thread.

    Anyway, here's where we're at now, compared to then:

    Thank you for considering what I posted :)


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