auto updates, auto scans and widgets

Hi, I've just started using bitdefender family pack and I have a question about the differences between the windows version and the mobile versions.

On the windows version I can see it is set up to check for updates and do a scan regularly. There is also a widget on the home screen that shows everything is good.

However on my android tablet and iphone, I can't see whether regular scans and updates are set up and can't see anywhere where I can set them up. Also I can't see anywhere that lets me activate a widget.

Can anyone give me a hand with this?



  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2022

    Hi @cwm

    With the mobile versions (I'm using Android), there is not an update setting, as BD uses the cloud to analyze apps that are downloaded or that have been updated. That is why you also need to be online when you run a manual scan for it to be able to check with the cloud definition updates. Thus, there isn't a setting to run a scan at a certain time. You can manually scan using the bottom scan icon/Malware Scan. I'm not sure of how things look and are laid out on an iPhone, but the concepts are the same.

    Also, since there is no Widget for the mobile version, I consider the Bitdefender B icon at the top of my Android phone to be the security Widget in letting me know "Bitdefender is running", as it will say that very thing when you swipe down to see that B notification.

    I hope this helped :)


    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.

  • Hi Scott

    Thanks for your help - much appreciated.

    On my iphone there isn't a B at the top. It has VPN, but if you swipe down there isn't a notification about it, so I can't easily see that bitdefender is working. Is this correct?

  • Flexx
    Flexx mod
    edited April 2022

    To add to what @Scott said, no antimalware application can scan for malware on iOS devices due to the strict restriction policies set by Apple.

    For iOS you only have option for malicious/ phishing website blocking and VPN.

    Additionally as far as android is concerned, earlier it used to have the update option in which user could manually update the malware database but then they shifted to cloud based engine for which 24 hours of internet connectivity is needed to ensure that your android devices remain safe and secure.

    I did had a conversation with the development team regarding this for over a week or two, to bring back the option to update the malware database at that particular time when they made this change, but they replied since technology is changing and they wanted to keep the application as light as possible without affecting the battery performance, they shifted to cloud based technology.

    I hope this helps.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

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    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • yes it does, thanks for explaining this for me mrmirakhur