devices not showing in central


I installed bit defender today and initially put on two devices and as ok in the central app

I have just installed it on third device and of the original ones has berated from the devices page of central

However it is the device that I am actually logged into centralon ! and was showing on it earlier

What has happened ?

I have 3 devices showing protected on the widget on each device but only 2 show on the central app

My license is for 10 devices, currently they are all windows laptops


  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod


    First, log out from your Bitdefender Central account.

    Next, open your Bitdefender program on Windows, and do this:

    In the next dialog boxes enter your e-mail and password that you used for your Bitdefender account and subscription and click on "Sign in".

    You are done.

    Wait a few seconds and sign in back to your Bitdefender Central account.

    Now, in Bitdefender Central, you will have displayed the correct number of protected devices with the correct Bitdefender product installed on each device.

    If that didn't help, try uninstall/reinstall the Bitdefender products on Windows, by using the Uninstall Tool:

    Finally, if that didn't also help, you should contact Bitdefender Consumer Support:

    because ONLY THEY can have access to your Bitdefender Central account and your activation code.

    @Alexandru_BD and @Mike_BD Please, take a look here.


  • Thank you @Gjoksi for the detailed instructions to switch account. In many cases, this is the cause, so it's something to check first.

    @PaulR29 upon checking your account, I have noticed that your Total Security subscription currently protects 2 devices out of 10 available slots for protection. Kindly perform a "switch account" task, as suggested by Gjoksi above. Then, find out if Bitdefender is properly installed on the 3rd device that is missing from Central.

    Open Control Panel and look for Bitdefender in the list of installed applications: click the Start button, type in appwiz.cpL and hit Enter on your keyboard. This will open the list of all the programs installed on your PC. Look for the name of your Bitdefender product in the list: Bitdefender Total Security.

    Another possible reason behind this could be the MAC address. If two or more devices have the same physical or virtual MAC address regardless of the network, Bitdefender Central identifies them as the same device and shows only one at a time in My Devices. To find out if the same MAC address is assigned to your computers, follow these steps below:

    1. Open Command Prompt: click the ⊞ Windows Start menu, type cmd and then press the Enter key.
    2. Type ipconfig /all in the black command prompt window that appears, and then hit Enter.
    3. Compare the number that appears next to the Physical Address for all networks in the list (not just the network adapter currently used), on both computers.

    For example, if VMware is installed on your Windows computers, this MAC address will appear on both PCs:

    Ethernet adapter VMware Network Adapter VMnet1:

    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

    Description . . . . . . . . . . . : VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet1

    Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-50-56-C0-00-01

    Let us know how it goes.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • I am not sure if I should revive this old thread or create a new one but I am having the exact same issue. I have Total Security installed (checked everything on the appwiz.cpL and it shows installed. On my console it shows VPN installed but protection for Windows is not. I clicked the link to download it and the installer says "Bitdefender Security is already installed on your device". I previously tried to uninstall and reinstall but not recently. The tool works but I cannot see anything about it in the Bitdefender Central.