scam alert and false positives

BDragon Defender of the month

after 51 notifications that get up in the center of the screen while i am trying to do other stuff to alert me of a "scam" i turned off the scam alert notifications.

I am italian. Most italian greetings are abbreviations. Such abbreviation get flagged as scam links. They are not links. They are abbreviated greetings.

examples: "" for "gentilissimo" "" for "illustrissimo" and so on and so forth.

italian is an heavily gendered language so we cut words short but still leave the last two letters to show if the greeting is directed to a woman or a man (the italian language does not allow for a neutral or other option, apologies.) so it is extremely common to see these forms of abbreviations.

Remove all those false positives and i might turn the feature on again. Right now it is just annoying to get constant and repeated flags for this stuff and never receive any flagging for actual and very blatant spam. 51 flase positive alerts. But of the 18 spam email that passed my spam filter not a single mention.

I'd say the very fact i see the sender in "wonky" characters that mix 15 different languages to look something out of a bizzarro alternate reality of the latin alphabet claiming to be a bank is flagging enough to know it is spam... but none of those got noticed.

But get somebody to do a silly standardized greeting... and oh! goodness! that must be a scam! let me block whatever the user is doing to show an alert at the center of the screen that requires a precise answer.