Exclusions not working for scans

Hey guys, I ran into a problem where no matter what I did with policies, I could not get some additional drives on windows to be excluded from scans. I finally figured out the problem though, you need to make the drive letters capitalized. Apparently, even though windows filesystems are not case sensitive, bitdefender is. Another problem is that you have to set the exclusions using power user mode on the machine directly because if you set them in the policy in gravityzone, the drive letters get changed to lowercase when the policy is synced to the machines. This is definitely a bug.



  • Gjoksi


    Since you need help with business product, @Alex_Dr could take a look here and help you.

    Also, you can always contact the Bitdefender business support:



  • Hey kris, have you contacted Bitdefender business support ?

    We seem to have the same issue here, drives are not excluded in lowercase, and the only way to get them uppercase is using the power user mode.

    Bitdefender was scanning the complete GoogleDrive mapped by the Google Drive tool to a "local drive" G:

    After changing the g:\ into G:\ it stopped scanning the drive.

  • Alex_Dr
    Alex_Dr Quality & Customer Experience Specialist BD Staff

    Hello @krisbailey,

    I will look into the de-capitalization of the drive letter and get back to you with an update. By changing it with the Power User module, is the drive excluded from scans though? Let me know.

    Alex D.

  • Alex_Dr
    Alex_Dr Quality & Customer Experience Specialist BD Staff

    Hello @krisbailey,

    I do apologize for the late reply. I contacted my colleagues in the Technical Support Department and have provided an answer to your enquiry:

    This is a Function as Design(FAD). Google Drive is mapped as an external device.

    When attaching an external device, the Contextual Scanning starts automatically. Contextual Scanning does not take into account the added exclusions regardless if they are added with capital letters or not.If you want to exclude the Google Drive from scanning you can disable the automatic scanning of external devices. More details about Contextual scanning is available here.

    Exclusions which are added using the Power User mode will not be taken into consideration.

    If you continue to encounter an issue or more clarifications are necessary you are welcome to contact the Bitdefender business support team and one of our support engineers will be happy to assist you:

    Please let me know if additional assistance is required.

    Merry holidays!

    Alex D.