reinstallare bitdefender sul pc windows
Buonasera a tutti gli amici della community, ho un problema, ho dovuto ripristinare di nuovo il Pc ed è capitato che è stato spostato Bitdifender oltre all'installazione della stampante. Non riuscendo a recuperare le installazioni, ho deciso di reinstallare ma non riesco a farlo per Bitdifender, o meglio non so come fare, avendo la licenza annuale. Ringrazio sin d'ora chi potesse darmi una mano per risolvere il problema.
Contatta l'assistenza clienti di Bitdefender:
chat: English 24/7
tel.: Italia (+39) 0699 268 342 (Italiano - dal Lunedi al Venerdi, orario d'ufficio 09.00 - 18.00)
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Had to do this once before cause it was closing Warthunder for no reason once and now I think i have to do it again. Bitdefender please fix this know issue with warthunder so no one else including me has too keep doing this.
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Hello @Barney152,
A situation involving Warthunder was investigated and resolved back in January. However, if you are encountering difficulties while playing the game, I would recommend to get in touch with the Support engineers, as they can advise on the necessary steps to follow.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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@Alexandru_BD forgot to tell you that you can get in touch with the Bitdefender Consumer Support by chat, telephone or e-mail here: