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BitDefender Central DEVICES show wrong at risk statuses

BD Central shows my laptop (PC) and cell phone (iOS) as having incorrect at risk status.

The reason I say this is because I have BD installed on both (as well as a third device which is fine). All are on the same home network.

Laptop at risk says:

Install Bitdefender security on this device to keep it safe (its on there. Its installed. I open the local BD tool. All is well. Green light. I choose ENABLE PROTECTION both local and remote. It thinks its fixing. It doesn't result in anything.

Cell says:

Web Protection is turned off. Yet, everything is ON. The finer details say browsing isn't secure on this device, we can't scan message. Yet, BD Mobile, VPN are installed on this also. I have applied the FIX ISSUE (local and remote to the device), yet nothing happens either.

How do I fix these device at risk statuses, and how will I trust they are reflected properly in BD Central?

Thanks so much. Most appreciated.

