Bitdefender Gravity and network scan tool (ignore it as port scan to be blocked)

Dear Community,

is there a way within Bitdefender Gravity to tell the system that a "network scan" from a specific IP is absolutley fine? We do make use of a network inventory scan tool which tries to access several IPs on several ports. Bitdefender recognizes it as "blocked scan port" (in german "Blockierter Scan Port"). I know I can set Bitdefender to generally block or ignore port scans (in policy->firewall->general)... but thats not how Id like it to be. Would be great if I could just set Bitdefender to ignore incoming scans from that specific machine.

Thanks in advance.


  • Alex_Dr
    Alex_Dr Quality & Customer Experience Specialist BD Staff

    Hello @LeoVadinci,

    Below is the answer received from my colleagues:

    Use the standard network exclusions. If this problem persists:

    • start a Content Control debug session
    • reproduce the issue (the scan is blocked because it was not excluded)
    • deliver the logs to us (create a ticket with the Technical Support Team in order to be analyzed)

    Please let me know how the above works out.

    Best regards,

    Alex D.