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Can I Add The Activation Code Later?

Hello, I am currently using another AV product which will run out in April 2023. Can I buy the Black Friday deal now and just activate the code at a later date without losing any time?


  • Gjoksi


    Taken from here:

    "For online purchases made on Bitdefender websites, Your subscription begins when your purchase is completed and the payment has been received. You must download and install Bitdefender on your devices in order to get protection.

    You agree and acknowledge that your subscription's availability begins from your purchase date, which shall be the date taken into consideration for calculating the length of your subscription, regardless of the date you choose to activate such subscription.

    For the purchases made from Bitdefender partners, Your subscription begins at first registration of your subscription. You must download and install Bitdefender on your devices in order to get protection."

    For example:

    You made a purchase on January 1, 2022 on Bitdefender WorldWide (global) site, with subscription period of 1 year.

    And you used the activation code for activating the subscription on February 1, 2022 (1 month later from the purchase date).

    BUT, the subscription period of 1 year already started on January 1, 2022 (the day you made the purchase) and will end on January 1, 2023.

    The subscription period of 1 year did NOT start on February 1, 2022 (the day you used the activation code) and will NOT end on February 1, 2023.

    This means that validity of the subscription between January 1, 2022 (the day you made the purchase) and February 1, 2022 (the day you used the activation code) is lost.


  • I see, well this is unfortunate, I guess I am not converting to Bit Defender.

  • Hello @antonispgs,

    In the event you found a good deal and purchased the same subscription type (same product/package with the same variation of devices), you can go ahead and redeem the activation code in Central on the day of purchase and this will extend the validity of your current license, without any validity being lost. It is not necessary to wait until the end of the term to extend validity. When activating, simply select to extend the current license.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user