Green Circle With Laptop Icon On My Desktop. What Is It?
I have a new icon that appeared on my desktop. It's a green circle with a laptop in the middle. The laptop has a green check ono the right-hand side. When I hover over the circle, the entire icon turns blue, and a 'B' displays in the center. Since there is a B when the icon is hovered over, I looked in the support docs, but haven't found any references to this icon.
Does anyone know about the icon?
Best Answers
The icon is called "Security Widget" and is part of the Bitdefender program.
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Hello @SaltWaterMountain,
Based on your description, this sounds like the Security Widget:
Let me know if I was correct 🙂
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
Thank you both very much, especially Gjoksi, who shows where to find the setting!