Can BD interfere with new wifi devices?

edited March 2023 in Bitdefender Box

I have been trying without success to connect a Ford Charge Pro unit to the internet through my home wifi. I have bit defender running on my pc and phones, as well as bit defender box. I am shown that it connects, but without internet. Is there something required, a setting, perhaps that prevents new devices from connecting, even with the wifi password?

Best Answer


  • Hello @jlh,

    If you connect the unit through the BOX network, it is possible that some ports are blocked.. it can also depend on the type of frequency supported by the respective device. If the BOX does not have a WiFi split, it generally depends on each individual device on which frequency it tries to connect (and the distance from the device to the BOX).

    It is possible that the device needs 5GHz but on the BOX network it automatically connects to 2.4GHz, in which case it can be quite easily fixed by doing a WiFi split and connecting the device only to the 5GHz network.

    But we are just making assumptions here, this would require a more detailed investigation to know for sure.

    You can contact the BOX support team at, so they can help you troubleshoot.

    Let us know how it goes.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod
    edited March 2023

    @Alexandru_BD wrote: You can contact the BOX support team at ...

    Good to know that Community members can directly contact Bitdefender BOX support by e-mail.

    Cheers. 🙂