Potential False Malware Threat on Webpage
Hey there,
I am posting using my personal BD account, but I am a Gravity Zone user through my job. On my work computer, I have been getting a Malware threat notification when connecting to a webpage (https://www.horizonfitness.com/). I open the webpage and my BD Endpoint Console alerts me, see the screenshot below. I then ran a full scan of my computer and found no issues. Is this a false threat? Maybe an issue with the webpage's certificate? Has anyone else encountered this?
Hello @tln13,
It could be that the website it is indeed being flagged as malicious. If you are certain this is not the case, you will need to get in contact with the Enterprise Support team in order to update our database, as well as for them to double-check the validity of the claim (if it is indeed malicious or not, under certain guidelines).
Please let me know if additional assistance is required.
All the best,
Alex D.