ChatGPT block Bitdefender VPN - how to solve this ?
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ChatGPT works fine with btdefender vpn installed. I have been using it for quite sometime now without any issue.
Can you share the screenshot of what error do you get while surfing ChatGPT on web browser while running bitdefender vpn.
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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Yes , attached
When I toggle off the VPN , everything work fine..
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Generate bitdefender BDsysLog:
Generate bitdefender support tool logs:
Generate bitdefender connectivity logs:
Share the logs & your query with bitdefender support team by dropping them an email at
If the generated logs are larger in size, you can upload the logs to google drive or (7days link validity for free users) or ask the support team to provide you with the online link & password of bitdefender cloud where you can upload the logs and share the upload link with the support team.
The support team will reply back to your query within next 24-48 hours excluding weekends.
Life happens, Coffee helps!
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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Will do . Big Thanks
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Besides that, you could also try the steps provided in the article below and see if they make any difference. I confirm your ticket was successfully created and sent to our technical teams. They will get back to you shortly.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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But the problem is I want to be protected with Bitdefender VPN and with this option I lose my protection....
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That is not the case, even if you use split tunneling you will be secured by bitdefender antimalware engine and malicious/phishing website protection via the main bitdefender product.
Life happens, Coffee helps!
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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I am having the same issue, any developments on how yours resolved? Thank you!
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Hello @Achy,
Based on my findings, the user who initially reported this behavior was advised to reinstall the VPN app first, however the connectivity issue persisted so a remote session was required to investigate ChatGPT not working when Bitdefender VPN was connected. The Support engineers could not reproduce this behavior and I have also tested ChatGPT with the VPN enabled and I managed to login without no problems whatsoever. I'm guessing this is an isolated issue, thus it will be necessary to contact the Support teams as well.
You can get in touch with our engineers by choosing one of the contact channels available here:
Choose from the available contact channels, chat, phone and email/ticket. Chat would be the fastest way to reach them.
Let us know how it goes, since we can't really find out what the remote session revealed in the previous case and this way we can also help other members that may encounter this unexpected behavior in the future.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Unfortunately, I too have the same issue. I'm on a MacBook Pro, (2020, with the older Intel Core i5 processor), and I too have the same issues the original post was describing. When I turn off the VPN, it works just fine.
What's a good way to fix this? We cant be the only ones with this issue.
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Hello @TonyD007,
Have you tried to add ChatGPT to Split-Tunneling? Just a thought: check the status of the Ad blocker and Anti-tracker in the VPN app. If both features are enabled, turn them off and test ChatGPT again. If they are already disabled and Split-Tunneling doesn't help, reach out to the Support teams for detailed troubleshooting.
Let us know what worked for you.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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I'm having exactly this issue.
Configuration: iMac 2020 with Intel i9 processor as well as my MacBook Pro 2021 with M1 both have VPN enabled…
On both computeres, I tried Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari result in the same issue. The attached image is just one example that's identical between computers when VPN is enabled. The browsers in this example were Firefox and Safari.
I had Split Tunnel also set up where I had entered entered as the website name which I added, tried it again and got the same errors.
Then I disabled VPN and hit refresh on the url and voila! It worked. I logged in, then re-enabled VPN and everything is working fine on my iMac 2020. I haven't done the same on my MacBook Pro but I'm sure it'll work.
Why am I not able to log in even when I added chatgpt in the split tunnel settings?
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Hello, I got the same Problem. Chat GPT is not connecting, if I use Bitdefender VPN with trackers and ads disabled.
If I enbale trackers and ads GPT is working fine with the VPN. I think, that they need to track you if you want to use Chat GPT.0 -
It is indeed true that ChatGPT does not function with Bitdefender VPN (Virtual Private Network) enabled on Windows, but when you try it on iOS or Android with the Bitdefender VPN enabled, it works perfectly. This is weird, and you will need to contact ChatGPT support instead by visiting regarding this.
Life happens, Coffee helps!
Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!
Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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Has anyone tested if ChatGPT works with any other VPN apps besides Bitdefender?
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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For me, it doesn’t work when I check the stated website with various VPN web browser extensions on Windows
Life happens, Coffee helps!
Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!
Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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Ok, so this suggests they are blocking VPNs altogether..
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Okay, I tested it a bit more now. Chat GPT is working with VPN if you allow ads. So you can use the anti-tracker option when you use chat gpt, but you can not use the ad blocker.
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Is everyone in agreement that the issue isn't VPN, it's ChatGPT and how they're trying to monitor our use for their LLMs?
To get logged in, I have to disable VPN, log in, get to a screen where I can start using the system, then re-enable VPN and it works fine. I have split tunnel set up to include ChatGPT but that doesn't seem to matter. I don't know a whole lot about split tunneling but my understanding is that if I add a URL to the split tunnel setup, then I should be able to access that site as if I wasn't using VPN… No?
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Yes, Split Tunneling allows you to route any website outside the VPN connection, to access the Internet directly. This Bitdefender VPN feature is available for Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS.
Based on my findings, ChatGPT can be accessed when using a VPN connection, provided that the VPN's IP address is not flagged or blocked by OpenAI's servers. Sometimes, certain VPN IP addresses might be blocked if they are associated with suspicious or high-risk activity, but switching to a different VPN server usually resolves the issue.
There can be scenarios where an ad-blocker might inadvertently block required scripts, APIs, or cookies that ChatGPT uses to function properly. Ad-blockers may identify parts of the website as ads or trackers and block them, which can disrupt the normal functionality of the platform. Some ad-blockers use aggressive filtering lists that may include domains or resources required by ChatGPT, mistakenly labeling them as unnecessary or intrusive.
Also, ad-blockers can interfere with cookies that the platform uses for user authentication or session management.To resolve such issues, you can:
- Whitelist ChatGPT's domain in your ad-blocker.
- Temporarily disable the ad-blocker while using the platform.
- Adjust the ad-blocker's settings to ensure necessary scripts and cookies are not blocked.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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@Alexandru_BD Thank you! Your explanation is excellent!
I've disabled ad-blocker and the login procedure works just fine now. Yay! That helps narrow the root cause, but I'd like to be able to use ad-blocker as well. Hoping someone knows what to do, to fix this issue so eventually, I can enable ad-blocker and not have to think about disabling it.
Many thanks!!
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UPDATE: I've fixed my issue and I'm able to have ad-blocker enabled again.
Ironically, I used ChatGPT4.0 to figure out how to address the ad-blocker setup issue. I gave ChatGPT a prompt which asked it how to whitelist ChatGPT so I could keep ad-blocker enabled. All I had to do was add to the split tunnel setting. I kept the ChatGPT URL in the setting as well. I re-enabled ad-blocker, logged out of ChatGPT, logged back in and had no issues being able to log in. So the issue for me, is now fixed and all my settings are exactly what I want them to be.
Interestingly, I went back to ChatGPT just now, to copy and paste the info that I used in my prompt and to provide the instructions, but ChatGPT has REMOVED my conversation! There's no sign that I went to ChatGPT for help.
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Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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UPDATE: Apparently, when I re-enabled ad blocker, I didn't notice that I was supposed to re-start VPN which is why it kept working. The solution I was so excited about, does not work. :(
1 - I tried logging into ChatGPT this morning and got the same wonky login screen.
2 - Double checked the VPN tunnel setting to see if somehow didn't save. It was there and so was the ChatGPT URL.
3 - Checked ad blocker and it was enabled, so I disabled it and tried logging in again. I could log in.
4 - I re-enabled ad blocker and this time, I noticed a warning message that told me I had to re-start VPN which I missed the other day. That explains why it was working the other day. I had NOT re-started VPN. Once I do, ChatGPT behaves as a dumb shell and will accept prompts, but returns another prompt and just stores my prompt as if it executed and I'd started a new prompt but I did not.
So… Long story short - once you re-start VPN, what I thought worked, does not. :( You still have to keep ad blocker disabled. So I've entered a "False Positive" report into the Bitdefender support page and I'll come back and post an update after they respond. It could be a while, but I promise I won't forget to share an update.
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I have been having this same problem for too long now. I'm quite frustrated as after contacting support, they keep suggesting the same solution that does not work. And then they offer random changes that again don't make a difference…
How is this possible they still can't find a solution to such a huge issue?
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Tech Support has reached out to me and we've exchanged a couple emails so far. I've sent screenshots and tried a few things at their recommendation. He had me verify which Protocol I had selected: Automatic, Wireguard, OpenVPN UDP, or OpenVPN TCP and none of them worked. I took a few minutes to try each, being very careful to close my browser (which dumps all history, cache, etc.) and re-start VPN each time I toggled the Protocol setting. None of those settings made any difference.
Worth noting is that I've got 2 VPNs showing up in my Network settings on my Mac. One says Bitdefender VPN (Hydra) and the other says Bitdefender WireGurad Configuration. The 2nd one is the one that shows it's active when I click the VPN icon in my system tray. I might head down this path with tech support and see why I have 2 showing in my Network settings. I didn't choose one or the other. The Icon on my desktop is associated with the WireGuard Configuration selection. Hmmm…
In my case, here's where I am.
1 - I can use VPN with ChatGPT but first, I have to turn off VPN entirely. By turning off VPN, I can get to the Login screen, otherwise, I get a strange old-school looking login screen that doesn't have any graphics, just a boring UI and a button that says Login on it but doesn't respond to any clicks.
2 - Once I'm logged into ChatGPT, ad blocker must be disabled when I re-start VPN.
3 - I can use ChatGPT and with VPN enabled but I have to have ad blocker disabled, otherwise when I'm in ChatGPT, I can enter a prompt but my entry doesn't yield any results. The system is basically unresponsive to prompts.
This work around is annoying because I don't want to have to do these steps every time, but at least part of VPN works for now.
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UPDATE from Bitdefender Support Center.
I was asked to provide additional information on my system configuration including screenshots of settings and the VPN Version. After doing so, I was told that it's known that some VPNs will work with ChatGPT and others won't. There's been an escalation which is now with the Bitdefender VPN developers for further investigation.
I was advised to disable ad blocker and use a different VPN if I want to use VPN with ChatGPT.
I've also gone ahead and removed Bitdefender VPN (Hydra) because it's been deprecated and replaced by the one I'm using now which is confirmed to be the latest. I'm on Version
This is all I have now. I'll come back and share another update if anything useful is shared with me.
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Thank you for updating the thread @Triceratops 👍️
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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@Alexandru_BD I'm not hopeful about this issue getting resolved quickly, but if I get word of a fix and I'm able to verify that the fix works, I'll come back and post. Fingers crossed. I've been using ChatGPT much less because of this annoyance and I'm not about to buy another VPN service just so I can keep it enabled while using it. We'll see. I hope I'm wrong! 😊