The email phishing challange, how alert are you?

I saw this on another forum and thought I'd post it here, so we can maybe sharpen our email phishing skills. Good luck :)
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.
Hey, buddy.
Thanks for sharing the quiz.
My results:
You answered 8/10 correctly.
Regards. 🙂
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Same score I got. It was a little harder to see the text in that view, compared to my Gmail account where everything would be bigger and easier to see and read.
Kind regards to you too, my friend 😊
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.
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This is actually a good one. 😅
Thanks for sharing @Scott !👍️
My result: You answered 8/10 correctly
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Working for Bitdefender, i expected 10/10 from you.
What's the next surprise? @Mike_BD reaching 7/10 correct answers, perhaps?
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You're welcome, and thank you, Alexandru :)
The one thing we couldn't do, as we mentioned previously in a thread where the member was wondering about spam emails and possibly being a victim of one (you had some really insightful thoughts in that thread) is that we couldn't hover our mouse cursor over the sender's name to see the address link and verify it that way.
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.
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lol :) :)
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.
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But I love this post! 🤩
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
2 -'re fantastic, buddy :) :)
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.
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I too got 8/10 😂
Life happens, Coffee helps!
Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!
Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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Got some other phishing test that you can take here
Life happens, Coffee helps!
Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!
Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
2 -
Excellent additions, @Flexx I'll be sure to go through those when I get a break :)
By the way, I like your new avatar :)
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.