New user interface looks nice but does not highlight the currently selected country in the list

kri kri
edited October 2023 in VPN

When switching to a different country on the old UI I would simply selected the country underneath the currently highlighted one I was using on the list of countries. Now however the current country is not highlighted in the list so what happens is you open up the program, see which country you are on, click it to bring up the list of countries, visually search for the current one, and then selected the next country underneath. Can you see how this is grossly inefficient compared to just having the current country highlighted in the list? When downloading file after file and needing to bypass download limits it is crucial to switch countries. Have the current one highlighted clearly please.

Where can I request and suggest the return of this important and useful UI feature? Or, can I download the older version of the VPN program somewhere?

Also, the country list opens on the other side of the windows on the right, whereas the button to bring up the list is on the left of the program. Such UI designs are considered war crimes and go against the Geneva convention in various regards. Highly looked down upon. You know what, I need the old program. Anyone know where to get it? I will go look for it now in the mean time.

Thank you.