
I previously mentioned a case on http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?showtopic=781 where BD detects a valid software as a spyware. You kindly disabled its signature, and we agreed that the most correct solution is to give the users a way to add this file as an exception to the list of BD exceptions. (It cannot be done right now, because the latest version of BD only accepts "folders" as exceptions, not "files").

Here I come again with a relevant case. Remote Administrator, the legitimate software I (and many others) use to access computers from remote locations, has two sections. The server part (r_server.exe mentioned on http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?showtopic=781) and the client part (C:\Program Files\Radmin\Radmin.exe). BitDefender detects it incorrectly as infected with Spyware.Remoteadmin.BO

This time, I can add C:\Program Files\Radmin folder to the exceptions list, and this is not a big deal. My concern is something else: I have two versions of this software installed; BD detects the ramin.exe file of version 2.1 as infected, but find the radmin.exe file of version 3.0 as clean.

I have attached a ZIP archive (pasword = infected) to this thread, which contains both executables. May be looking inside version 3.0 executable can lead you to find a pattern which happens to be on version 2.1, and help BD distinguish that the executable is the legitimate Remote Administrator's.

I still appreciate implementing a way to define files as exceptions.

/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=246" data-fileid="246" rel="">radmin.zip