Hi, I just purchased the Total Security for Windows 10

Hi, I have a question not sure what to do or not? I just purchased the Total Security for My Windows 10 for the $49.99 Canadian Dollars sale.
This 1 I know of, The Red B button was put to My Desktop to download the BitD...
The Total Security box up now,
Then I got 2 more Red B buttons on the Desktop
I know full well I didn't pay for the VPN so what about the Windows Red Button They also ask Me to add onto My Computer?
Is that 1 a to do or is it another payment? is what I need to know Before downloading it. Thanks.
I just promoted you to Level 2, so that you can post an image or two to help us understand better what's happening on your end.
The VPN does come with Bitdefender is included, and is only good for 200 MB per day and limited servers. The Premium version is what you would have to pay, to upgrade to. Is possibly one of the icons.
What is the difference between the standard and the Premium version?
The standard version is included by default in your Bitdefender product on Windows, Android, macOS, and iOS. It offers 200 MB daily traffic per device (a 500 MB daily traffic quota is included only in Bitdefender Small Office Security subscriptions) and automatically connects you to the optimal server, without having the possibility to change it. You can purchase the Premium VPN subscription to get unlimited traffic and the option to connect to any available server. The benefits of the Premium version will get unlocked once you activate the subscription.
Kind regards.
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/ Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.
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Thanks Scott,
I know nothing of this stuff or the ins & outs of a computer. I know the web not the computer stuff that I know nothing about.
I had a type writer when I went to school. :)
I Had to take pics with My digital camera to show what I mean.
The 3 B Buttons
The top 1 was all I had B4 The 1 that says Security
I have no cle about the 1 Below it sayings Windows, the pics are of the windows
so is this a part of the Total security or is it another to pay for?
I don't want that VPN on the bottom, I never even paid for it. I don't need it.
I just wanted to know if the Windows B Button is on My Total Security or not?
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Hi Donna,
You did good, very helpful photos.
Has Bitdefender totally installed yet, are you able to open the main app from the top shortcut on the left, as it looks like Bitdefender is trying to do the initial install, as I can see in your taskbar, the icon is highlighted, which is usually a sign of an app being installed, as well as the User Account Control window being displayed. Otherwise, allow the User Account to install the file (Bitdefender), and it may clear up the middle icon. Then, after it's installed, you can go into Apps and uninstall the VPN (only uninstall that) and that will remove it from your device and the desktop shortcut.
Bitdefender is always going to install the VPN (it's the free version), then it's up to us to uninstall it if desired.
As far as paying in what you're concerned about @Alexandru_BD can see what you purchased, and if needed, guide you from there. Otherwise, again, the VPN that installs with Bitdefender Total Security is the free version.
Let us know if you need anything else.
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/ Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.
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Hi Scott,
Thanks, Yes I have the Total Security box that says, You are safe, with the Quick Scan, System Scan, Etc...
I'm just not sure to ok that windows.
Also I wanted My email as My account to be My gmail email.
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Yes, then just close out of that box, as it sounds like Bitdefender installed. @Alexandru_BD could you address the email concern for Donna, please?
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/ Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.
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Hello @Donna Sweeney,
Based on my findings, your Central account is already associated with a gmail address. Your Total Security subscription is up and running there and currently it covers one device. Should you not require the VPN, you can easily remove it. For Windows, go to Programs & Features and you will find it there.
Let us know if you need anything else.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Thank you, @Alexandru_BD :)
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/ Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.