Intermittent Service on Fold 5

edited April 23 in Mobile Security

I noticed today that I couldn't do a scan on my Galaxy fold 5, spam protection and theft protection were off and wouldn't turn on. I restarted my phone, waited several minutes, same results. I uninstalled/reinstalled Bitdefender Mobile, phone worked fine. About an hour later in town eating a meal, same issue, no scan, spam and theft protection off and wouldn't turn on. Got home, started to troubleshoot, phone working fine again. Any idea's, thanks for the help.


  • Petersl
    Petersl Defender of the month ✭✭✭
    edited April 23

    Hi @a6fixer

    What version of the bitdefender mobile app are you running?

    You said it just started or you just noticed it today. I have a similar issue on my android TV box since the last version updated today that I can no longer run scans, my scam alert is also off and when I turn it on and switch to a different tap and go back to the scam alert tab it's turned off again.

    It might be the same issue that you are experiencing as I.

    I made a ticket with support about this issue and made a post about it on this forum: