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Bitdefender password change question

Petersl Defender of the month ✭✭✭
edited May 2024 in Central and Subscriptions

Hi everyone,

When changing my password I selected the third option "Delete all my admin and product sessions". This logged me out of central but my device was still showing in central.

What does that option do exactly? Isn't it supposed to delete your devices that you have in central when you change the password with this option?


Best Answers

  • Alexandru_BD
    Alexandru_BD admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Petersl,

    If my understanding is correct, you are referring to this setup - [..] logged out of Bitdefender Central as well as all security products [..].

    That option will log you out from Central and will also log out Bitdefender, that means the product on those devices will no longer be synchronized with the Central subscription / license and will log out from your account. But it will not effectively delete / remove your devices from Central and you can log back in or switch accounts, should you wish to protect that device using a different subscription active in another Central account, for example.

    To sum it up, you have a log in feature in Central, but also a login tab in the Bitdefender UI and that's used to sync the product with the Central account where the subscription / license is running, so it can get its validity and configuration from there, in simple terms.

    You can check the below articles for more context on how Bitdefender Central works and what features are included:

    I hope the information is helpful.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Petersl
    Petersl Defender of the month ✭✭✭
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓

    Hi @Alexandru_BD

    Thanks for clearing that up, I did try this once with one device in my central and after I had reset the password with this option that device still showed as green when logging back in to central with the new password.

    Should it not show "at risk" then in central or maybe it was delayed? I removed the device after and logged it back in to central.


  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod

    ONLY Bitdefender staff can have access to your Bitdefender Central account, your devices, your payments/purchases and/or your subscription(s).
    So, you should contact Bitdefender Consumer Support by chat, telephone or e-mail:
    Chat is the fastest way to get in touch with Bitdefender Consumer Support.
    Select: Purchase & Manage Subscription -> My Bitdefender Central Account, click on Contact Support in the black box and then click on Chat 24/7.
    NOTE: Bitdefender telephone support is not toll-free!
    Also, @Alexandru_BD (who works for Bitdefender) can take a look here and help you with the issue. You can PM him.

  • Petersl
    Petersl Defender of the month ✭✭✭


    My question is what does this option do exactly? Is it not supposed to remove the devices in the central?

  • Flexx
    Flexx mod
    edited May 2024

    The option “Delete all my admin and product sessions” in Bitdefender Central is designed to log you out of all active sessions across different devices for security reasons. This means it will end any session where you are logged into your Bitdefender Central account, whether it’s on a web browser, mobile app, or any other device.

    However, this option does not delete or remove the devices that are registered in your Bitdefender Central account. The devices you see in Bitdefender Central are those that you have installed Bitdefender products on and associated with your account. Even if you log out of all sessions, these devices will still be listed in your account because they are still protected by Bitdefender.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • Petersl
    Petersl Defender of the month ✭✭✭

    What does the "product sessions" mean?

    I understand that the "admin sessions" mean the bitdefender central sessions in webbrowser and apps but doesn't product sessions mean the devices? Or is product sessions the vpn and password manager?

    Because the description of this setting says "You will be logged out of Bitdefender Central as well as all security products, and you will need to log in with the new password.", isn't the security products my devices?

    Also what happens when you remove a device from central? This does not remove the app, so is your device then still protected or are some functions disabled? I removed my windows 10 from central to then log back in to it but I didn't see a change in the app, all the protection was still on or so at least it appeared to be.