[resolved]Installation Issues


Bit Defender came highly recommended in a magazine I read so I decided to ditch my freeware stuff (avira and comodo) and try bit defender.

I wish to provide some feedback regarding my download and installation to help the people at Bit Defender make a better product.

For reference I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.

When I purchased Bit Defender Internet 2011, I was presented with three download files. I recognised that one was 64 bit and the second 32 bit but I have no idea what the third file was and there are no instructions anywhere about it. Does anyone know what "bitdefender_isecurity_AU.exe" is please?

Looking through the user guide I first manually deinstalled my avira and comodo and made sure that windows defender and firewall were turned off. I then launched the 64 bit install of the bit defender product. One of the first questions was about a more up to date product being available and would I like to download it. I found this strange as i had just downloaded the product I purchased. Does someone not update the download file after updates?

I said yes to download the latest and it went through a scan. At the end of the scann it said it found 11 threats which were quarantined. I was a bit worried that avira or comodo didnt find any threats but was happy that BD did. At this point it asked me to restart my machine.

When I restarted it again stated that I didnt have the latest version of the product and asked me to download it. I thought that maybe the previous download had not completed so I said yes again. It then came up with an error saying "cannot create ui\setup.ui". I closed that window and the download became stuck on %86 for 15 minutes so I cancelled that one. It then started the scan again and said there were no threats. At this point it again asked me to restart.

After I restarted it asked me to download the latest version again!!! I said no at this point. It then started the scan again!!! I cancelled that and completed the install. After install I looked at the quarantine and it had no items. I was very keen to find out what the 11 threats were on the first scan but they appear to be lost.

I think someone at BD needs to have a good look at the install routine as my experience was very frustrating.





  • Hello David,

    I will try to answer all your queries, as follows:

    - the "bitdefender_isecurity_AU.exe" is the online installer of the BitDefender Internet Security - English / Australia product

    - you mentioned removing avira and comodo; how exactly did you do that ? Via Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel or have you used their specific uninstall tools ?

    - the threats were removed when you restarted the PC when the OS (operating system) is not loaded to assure a complete cleaning process.

    Please provide me with the info above along with the Sysdump log file, as explained below:

    1. Download this file:


    2. Locate and open 'Sysdump.exe'

    3. A command prompt window will appear on your screen. Please note that the information gathering process can take several minutes therefore please wait until the window disappear by itself.

    4. The result will be the file called 'SYSDUMP.TAR'

    5. When you have the sysdump.tar please upload it HERE

    6. Include a DETAILED description of the issue you encounter: reproduce the steps you take until the issue occur and, if possible, enclose a screenshot of any error message you receive.

    7. Send me a PM (Private Message) with the download link and one for the topic you started.

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • Is the online installer required? I just downloaded the 64 bit file and ran that to install.

    I removed avira and comodo using control panel > programs

    I will send the sysdump file soon.

    I cannot recreate the problem as I have bit defender installed and working and I have not got the time to uninstall and reinstall it again.

    The description of my issues is in my first post.

    I have downloaded lots of software and installed it and never encountered problems like this program. I still think the install process needs to be reviewed and probably rewritten as I dont believe it was just my machine that caused the problems.



  • Hello David,

    No, the online installer is not a must. You can install BitDefender by either using the online installer file that will continue the download once you run it or the offline installer file that will start the installation automatically.

    I would recommend you to run the uninstall tool for both Avira and Comodo, just to stay on the safe side as all security solutions should be installed to be certain you removed all files.

    You can find a list with all the uninstall tools for each security solution listed HERE.

    From what I understand in your last post it seems that you installed BitDefender successfully with no issues. If you have any further queries feel free to start a new topic, explain the situation and you'll have my answer in the shortest time possible.

    Best regards,

  • Thanks,

    Yes, BitDefender installed but I wouldnt say with no issues. I was just trying to help. I have installed hundreds of different programs and the BitDefender install was one of the worst I have had. I really think you need to review your install program. The first thing I would do is remove the check for any newer version of anything until the program has fully installed. As you see from my first post, I had to restart several times and each time it told me there was a newer version of the program I had only just downloaded. I would also place clear install instructions on the web screen that contains the download files. I asked you support team about 5 times what the file "bitdefender_isecurity_AU.exe" was for and was unable to get an answer. These are small things that would help ease the frustration of people who have experiences like me.



  • Hi David,

    Thank you for your feedback, I do find it useful and realistic. I will pass your suggestions to my colleagues from the Dev. team to be taken into consideration for future installation kits to be release into the void.

    Regarding the ""bitdefender_isecurity_AU.exe" file, who you asked for instructions ? If you have any ticket ID please pass it to me via PM. I would like to correct this lack of information with the team in question. If you can't find the ticket ID send me the email you used to send Support Inquiries.

    Best regards and once again thanks for the feedback !

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