Firewall Will Not Allow Windows Update To Update ?

Sometime in the last 24 hrs Bitdefender IS 2011 firewall has started blocking my windows update....if I et update run...I get an error message in windows saying it could not connect

If I disable Bitdefender FW ...Windows update will connect and/or download updates

If I re-enable FW during update process...update will again not connect.

Is it possible to manually add the Widnows firewall update site(s) to my FW settings...

I hate to rty a repair/isntall since everthing else is actuall running smooth for a change...



  • Sometime in the last 24 hrs Bitdefender IS 2011 firewall has started blocking my windows update....if I et update run...I get an error message in windows saying it could not connect

    If I disable Bitdefender FW ...Windows update will connect and/or download updates

    If I re-enable FW during update process...update will again not connect.

    Is it possible to manually add the Windows firewall update site(s) to my FW settings...

    I hate to try a repair/install since ever thing else is actually running smooth for a change...


    Sorry about the spelling above...sent this from work without a spell check or time to review...

    Attached below is the error message from Windows.

    Again...this jpg will pop up if BDIS 2011 firewall is enabled...if I disable in update connects and functions normally....have tried and retried a dozen times...with Firewall enabled...error message pops up...with firewall problem connecting with Windows Update site ?



  • Unknown
    edited May 2011

    Hi Tim,

    Do you encounter this issue with a certain Windows Update or with any of the updates you are trying to install ? Try to reset BitDefender Firewall rules and let me know if the issue still persist.

    Also is the issue present on a x64 PC ? We have no notification about it reproducing on a x86 (32-bits) PC. I have created a ticket on your behalf with ID: 201105121009613.

    I believe that the issue will be resolved after you reset the Firewall rules. I have found the following entries in the Firewall log:

    2011/05/11 19:00:44.943    [BDFW] [FILTER] Blocked packet because of rule 7. Direction: Outbound, Local Address: FE80:0000:0000:0000:B55C:4E1E:D47E:ECF5:0, Remote Address: FF02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0016:0, Protocol: 58, Local Packet: 0, PID: 4, Process: system, Cmd. Line: .

    2011/05/11 19:00:45.052    [BDFW] [FILTER] Blocked packet because of rule 9. Direction: Outbound, Local Address: FE80:0000:0000:0000:B55C:4E1E:D47E:ECF5:62858, Remote Address: FF02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001:0003:5355, Protocol: 17, Local Packet: 0, PID: 720, Process: c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe, Cmd. Line: -k networkservice.

    I would also recommend you to read the following Microsoft article:

    IMPORTANT: as seen in the Firewall log you sent me the Microsoft updates are blocked due to the Firewall -> Network - > Stealth Settings

    2011/05/11 18:59:25.432    [BDFW] [FILTER] Blocked packet for / from closed port because of stealth settings. Direction: Inbound, Local Address:, Remote Address:, Protocol: 6, Local Packet: 0, PID: FFFFFFFF, Process: , Cmd. Line: .


  • Hi Tim,

    Do you encounter this issue with a certain Windows Update or with any of the updates you are trying to install ? Try to reset BitDefender Firewall rules and let me know if the issue still persist.

    Also is the issue present on a x64 PC ? We have no notification about it reproducing on a x86 (32-bits) PC. I have created a ticket on your behalf with ID: 201105121009613.

    I believe that the issue will be resolved after you reset the Firewall rules. I have found the following entries in the Firewall log:

    2011/05/11 19:00:44.943    [BDFW] [FILTER] Blocked packet because of rule 7. Direction: Outbound, Local Address: FE80:0000:0000:0000:B55C:4E1E:D47E:ECF5:0, Remote Address: FF02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0016:0, Protocol: 58, Local Packet: 0, PID: 4, Process: system, Cmd. Line: .

    2011/05/11 19:00:45.052    [BDFW] [FILTER] Blocked packet because of rule 9. Direction: Outbound, Local Address: FE80:0000:0000:0000:B55C:4E1E:D47E:ECF5:62858, Remote Address: FF02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001:0003:5355, Protocol: 17, Local Packet: 0, PID: 720, Process: c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe, Cmd. Line: -k networkservice.

    I would also recommend you to read the following Microsoft article:

    IMPORTANT: as seen in the Firewall log you sent me the Microsoft updates are blocked due to the Firewall -> Network - > Stealth Settings

    2011/05/11 18:59:25.432    [BDFW] [FILTER] Blocked packet for / from closed port because of stealth settings. Direction: Inbound, Local Address:, Remote Address:, Protocol: 6, Local Packet: 0, PID: FFFFFFFF, Process: , Cmd. Line: .


    Thanks DD....this PC is a WIN 64bit machine...and it just other 4 32bit machines are fine...

    Probelm is present with any form of Windows update...automatic...manual etc...simply cannot connect to the windows server...

    One of the links on the error jpg above is to the link you recommended....there they recommend adding 3 http address manually to the firewqall exceptions list...but I can't find the firewall exceptions list in BD2011IS ? Is this the same as the "white list" ?

    Will resent my firewall rules when I get home tonight...


  • Thanks DD....this PC is a WIN 64bit machine...and it just other 4 32bit machines are fine...

    Probelm is present with any form of Windows update...automatic...manual etc...simply cannot connect to the windows server...

    One of the links on the error jpg above is to the link you recommended....there they recommend adding 3 http address manually to the firewqall exceptions list...but I can't find the firewall exceptions list in BD2011IS ? Is this the same as the "white list" ?

    Will resent my firewall rules when I get home tonight...


    Reset appears to have corrected issue as you suggested...ran manual update three times with no issue...will check on automatic update progress tomorrow am...

    I have always (for 16 months) run my 5 PC's with the following Network settings:

    Type: Home Office

    VPN: No

    Stealth Mode: Remote

    Generic: Yes

    Is there a better option for the Stealth Mode ??

    Thanks as always...TRinAZ

  • Unknown
    edited May 2011

    Hey TRinAZ,

    The network settings you mentioned are exactly the same as the settings I usually recommend to all our users to set/change. I personally keep the Stealth to Remote or Off, depending on the network I am connected to (I use Remote OFF for a PC connected to a large local network and Remote for those PCs not using a local network).

    Whenever you encounter a connectivity issue there are two first resolutions that you can always try:

    1. Disable the firewall and see if the issue still occurs then reset the Firewall rules (if the issue is resolved with the firewall disabled);

    2. Reinstall the BitDefender Firewall drivers. This procedure is explained in the KB article below:

    Glad to see the issue was resolved. If you have any future queries, as always, I'll be more than happy you assist you further :)

    Best regards,