Bd 2012 Slows Down Internet Browsers

ANy help would be appreciated:

Just installed BD 2012 2 weeks ago and since then my browsers (google and internet explorer) have both been extremy slow. THought it was my cable/modem or wireless router at first andf had them replaced. All of my internet capable devices (ipod/game consoles) are fine and thier page load times are very good. But anything in a browser on my PC is very slow, around 4 mins to load a page. My connection is fine. I've done several spoeed tests on my own and with a tech from my internet provider. Download/upload speeds are exactly where they should be.

But it still remains that my browsers are slow as heck.

Running Windows 7 SP1. ANy help would be appreciated.



(in the time I wrote this post, the facebook login page still hasn't loaded.)


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