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Epic Issues


I've been having an absolute whale of a time with BD IS 2012. Where to start... where to start indeed!

Let me first clarify that every time that I mention that I have run the uninstall utility in the following text I have run the uninstall tool, rebooted then run the uninstall tool again. Apparently, this clears up anything that wasn't deleted the first time round (any files that were in use, for example).

My original problem with using IS 2012 was that every time that I viewed YouTube videos it would play the first two seconds then the video would hang for about 15 seconds (whilst the audio carried on playing). A ticket was logged for this, naturally, but this turned out to be a case of running the uninstall tool then re-installing.

After re-installing IS 2012 I found that I was having image corruptions. This boiled down to the toolbar being at fault. It didn't matter if I used Internet Explorer or Opera, a few images got corrupted. Uninstall time.

Now, at this point, the installing and uninstalling attempts got a bit hazy. However, I can tell you that I was having one of the two issues described above. I believe the third time that I installed I was presented with the original problem with playing YouTube videos and the fourth time went back to the corrupted images. I have, on numerous occasions, attempted to remove the toolbar to correct this issue. This involved (in no particular order) pressing the power button on the toolbar itself, deselecting the three options on the toolbar, opening the main console and disabling all of the options in the privacy section, disabling scanning of HTTP traffic and disabling Data Protection. Now, being security software, I'm not best comfortable with disabling any of the options other than the web browser toolbar(s). However, this is what has been recommended by staff via the web chat and/or e-mail.

I did also uninstall IS 2012 for about a month at one point (I installed in July, originally) and made do without it. What I used in its place is irrelevant. When I re-installed I have been having the problem of corrupted images ever since. For an example of corrupted images, please see the screenshot here.

During the time in which I had IS 2012 uninstalled I noticed that in the system devices under Device Manager the BitDefender ACVC HV device was still listed, though with a yellow marker indicating that there was an issue with the device. I removed the device from Device Manager (later to be re-added when IS 2012 was re-installed) but I have no idea whether this could be related to my problems.

Speaking of aforementioned e-mails I have raised a fair few amount of tickets with customer support, nearly all of which were "escalated". This means that I was asked about four times overall to generate a standalone support tool log and send it off. The last time I was asked for this (I've sent one off each time, begrudgingly but without fuss) was 2nd October. I'm still waiting for a reply on that one. This brings me to ticket numbers. Forgive me if I have included one or two that weren't directly involved in the issues described previously, I have asked for a couple of other things along the line. Most (if not all) of these should be to do with the issues described here:

201109031005993 - open

201107291046848 - closed - 29th July

201107291047713 - closed - 12th Aug

201108131000027 - closed - 13th Aug

201108131002106 - closed - 3rd Sept

201109031005795 - closed - 16th Oct (not sure why)

201110161006933 - closed - 3rd Sept

I'd imagine that the closed tickets were closed automatically as there were no responses from BD Support after a certain length of time from my last reply.

Each of these tickets has had responses from me and I've tried to supply as much information as possible each time. Due to the length of time that BD has taken in an "attempt" to resolve my problems I have been offered a 6-month extension on my license. I have turned this down as my workplace is using BitDefender Corporate Security and OEM IS licenses were provided of equal quantity to the licensed products at my workplace, which was bought last year for three years. I use licenses from that list as I am the sole decision maker for the security software that is used in my workplace.

With IS 2010 and IS 2010 I had no issues whatsoever. It would be grand if BD had updated the software slightly, rather than to screw over the GUI and cause all of these issues. If I had access to an installation for 2011 then I would happily re-install it. 2012, however, I wouldn't recommend to anyone. If the corporate security starts showing similar issues then we're dropping it and looking elsewhere.

Also to note, the first time that I tried signing up to this forum I did not receive the activation e-mail until yesterday. Originally, I had attempted to sign up (if memory serves) on Thursday. When I clicked the activation link I was informed that my username was not found and then when I tried the alternative method listed in the e-mail it informed me that my user ID was not found. When I tried today I received the e-mail within seconds.

Just to clarify in case I'm asked again whether my system meets minimum requirements I have:

Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

Intel Core i7 965 3.2GHz processor

256GB primary hard drive

24GB DDR3 1600MHz RAM

2x GTX 570 graphics cards, each with 1024MB RAM.

If there is a sure-fire way to disable the toolbar (which, I assume, will fix the image corruptions thus solving my problems) I'd love to know.


  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭


    I am sorry for the delay of our answer and I hope to assist you in a timely fashion from now on. I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to convey our apologies in regards to the situation created.

    A product update was released yesterday. Your build should be right click on Bitdefender icon from system tray-near the clock-and choose "About". You should see in the left side the build number).

    In order for the product update to be installed, you need to reboot your machine(you should see in the Events -> "Reboot required" under the Update module).


    Let me know if the situation is solved. Have a nice day.

  • JollyRoger
    edited October 2011

    Here the same (especially with with opera).

    I've the last version installed and thins don't go better. I can only suggest you to use chrome because, I don't know why, it minimizes the issue (on my notebook).


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  • Takaharu
    edited October 2011

    Nope, problem still persists, as mentioned in my response to the ticket e-mail.

    I may try running the uninstall tool again then deleting the driver again from the device manager, followed by a reboot but I'm not at my PC at the moment so that'll wait until some point during the weekend.

    Any more ideas?

    In regards to Chrome, I'm not changing away from my preferred web browser just because my Internet security suite is causing disruption to images. I'd rather use a different provider if this can't be resolved.

    I find BitDefender to be a dependable security solution and I want to carry on using it. Like I said before, I've only been having a problem with 2012 and, depending on how long my patience holds out, I'd like to hold onto BD whilst this issue is being resolved.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Welcome back Takaharu.

    This discussion will continue via email in the ticket 201109031005993.

    It's a lot easier to keep just one communication channel.

    Thank you in advance for understanding. Have a nice day.

This discussion has been closed.