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Laptop And Paranoid Modes Disabled Automatically

coolcool1227 ✭✭✭
edited October 2011 in Antivirus

After updating the Bitdefender to Build, Laptop Mode disabled automatically whenever I turn Off my Laptop and turn it On. Also when I turn On Laptop only with battery without connecting its AC adapter, Bitdefender doesn't detect the Laptop Mode and is still working in a normal way.

One more thing that "Paranoid Mode" also disabled in the same way as Laptop Mode.


  • coolcool1227
    coolcool1227 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2011

    Resolved with the latest update.

  • nikki605
    edited October 2011

    On my laptop (lenovo ThinkPad T410) even with the latest Build ( of BDAV 2012 (no firewall) when I power it up with the battery installed & connected to a/c power, Laptop Mode is switched OFF. I have to manually switch it on each time.

    EDIT: Just to be sure, I uninstalled BDAV 2012 using the Uninstall Tool, downloaded a fresh copy of the offline full-file version of BDAV 2012 64-bit, ran CCleaner to remove leftover file, folder & Registry entries, re-installed BDAV 2012 and finally, did an Update Now to get the latest program & definition files for BDAV.


  • coolcool1227
    coolcool1227 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2011

    I forgot to mention in my previous post that only the Paranoid Mode issue is resolved but not sure about Laptop Mode at present.

  • OK. Since BDAV does not have the firewall, I cannot verify the Paranoid setting.


  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭
    edited October 2011

    Hi guys.

    Please update to the latest build and tell me if everything is OK now.

    Thank you.

  • I can confirm that under Build, with BDAV Plus 2012 installed (and even after an uninstall and re-install), Laptop Mode is turned OFF after a reboot of the PC.

    Every time I boot my laptop, I have to turn Laptop Mode back ON and toggle the BD Toolbar ON, then back OFF, before opening IE9 or the BD Toolbar is displayed on all but one tab. I sent you a PM, Cristi with the details when I was using Build Thia behavior has not changed under Build


  • rootkit


    Sorry for the delayed reply.

    This issue has been escalated by DanyDan to our Dev. team.

    Thank you for your feedback.