Autorenewal Email

edited April 2012 in General

Sorry to but in on an old thread...

This auto renewal is still unacceptable and you can go through the whole buying process and check your details before placing your order, but no "auto renewal" function is there to cancel?!

Right when you choose to place and order for a product you should be given the option to say "yes" or "no" to auto renewal and it should be built into the form as a demand on the customer before they go to the next stage...

Why can you not get this right.....

The first mention of "auto renewal" is in My Bitdefender > Customer Care > Lates Articles and FAQS.

This isn't what I call a visible option before you buy!!

Of course we want good support and it makes things easier if the product can be updated automatically, but the customer has a right to decide whether they want you to debit their account each year rather than that they have to get in contact with you to get their money back after the fact?!!

I spent a long time telling my friends about a great product called Bitdefender...and it still is a great product, just that the sale of the product is less than honest!

I have lost a lot of customers through being a sales representative for Bitdefender. My customers still come to me with I have had money taken from my account...



  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    Welcome back to the forums!

    My colleague George will assist you ASAP.

    Thank you for your patience.

  • George R.
    edited April 2012

    Hello bookie56,

    In the Avangate shopping cart, you can disable the automatic renewal option at the "Review & Confirmation" step of the purchase process.

    I have attached a screenshot of the option.




  • Hi again!

    Thanks for that. I had to get to that point with placing an order before you can see the link you showed me. the problem is now I get reminders from Bitdefender to complete my order....

    I can calm down now and try and let my customers know about the link before placing the order.

    Thanks again for putting me right about this....been a bit grumpy the whole day.. I still think the link is a bit defused and my suggestion would save an awful lot of complaints....

    I have suggested to your support that you have a "Yes" "No" function included in the form an that could go at the same point as the link you showed me, but it would mean the customer is fully aware that it will be renewed automatically if they click on "yes" and not if they click on "no". They can't place the order unless they click on one or the other....

    So many don't read the small print but a box that needs ticking is more efficiant than your link.

    Just make it obvious and not a link taking them some where else.....

    It would save an awful lot of people getting upset about things like this.


  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    Thank you very much for your feedback.

    I will forward your feedback to the appropriate department for review.

    Have a great weekend!