Auto Renewal Problems - Not Solved Yet I'm Afraid

The old topic - to be found here:;hl=thomcats

was thought to be solved but unfortunately I discovered that it isn't so.

Today I received the statement from my credit card and I could see that Digital River *had* charged me after all and there was no refund to be seen anywhere. The payment had been effectuated via Paypal and I checked there too, but could see no refund to my account.

Now, the charge was made on the 9th of May and that is about 3 weeks ago. One would think that they would have had ample time to make this refund. First question must of course be: Have they been advised by Bitdefender to make the refund? If not, I kindly ask you to deal with this matter immediately! I can of course substantiate my claim, if asked to do so, but I won't include any attachments here on the forum.

I would very, very much like to make history out of this incident, once and for all. I have contacted Digital River but received no answer as of yet. Neither have I seen any money repaid to me.

Please advice soonest.


  • George R.
    edited May 2012

    Hello thomcats,

    Please access the invoice sent by Digital River with the "User Return LOD event". You first have to agree with the terms and conditions of the refund before the transaction can be processed.

    Please note that I just resent the email from Digital River, so please recheck the Inbox. This process is required since you requested the refund through Digital River customer service and not through us.

