[escalated] Reset Folder Options Settings After Scan


Kindly see the attachment, If the infections are found Bitdefender resets the Folder options after the Scan.



  • coolcool1227
    coolcool1227 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2012

    Sometimes the options (Show Hidden Files and Folders, Hide extensions for know files types etc) also resets when On-Access or RTP detects the infection and takes action on it. And I've to restart my system to get back ion the functional state otherwise hidden files not shown.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hi Omer :)

    Could you please send me a PM with the log generated by Support Tool and the samples used in your tests?

    Take care.

  • coolcool1227

    PM sent.

  • I've tried downloading some cr*ck tool and BD have above issues.

    I have to restart and reset Folder Options. After del some cr*ck, BD make a file "desktop.ini" and auto run at start.

  • coolcool1227
    I have to restart and reset Folder Options. After del some cr*ck, BD make a file "desktop.ini" and auto run at start.

    You are right, Bitdefender also make desktop.ini file which is opened while desktop loading whenever it detects the virus during scan task and takes action on it (whatever). Now I've two of these files, the first one was created when I install the Final version first time, and the second one is now created after the last scan my USB Stick (Device Detection Scan), regardless of the malware type detected.

    Also the file extension become visible in this case.

  • rootkit

    Hello :)

    I used those samples on Windows 7 SP1 32/64 with the latest updates from September and I couldn't reproduce the issue.

    I will run other tests and get back to you soon.

    Have a great week!

  • The problem hasn't been solved with build

    I can't save log file :(

  • superman24101994
    edited September 2012

    I also creat desktop.ini and run at start


  • coolcool1227

    Same issue faced here.

  • The problem hasn't been solved with build

    I can't save log file :(

    I had a similar issue, when BD detected some Malware and I couldn't access my Hidden Folders

    until I made the changes, but that only happened once.

    Everything seems back to normal, now!

  • Rampant

    Build the last problem remains.


  • similar issue is faced by me after the full system scan.

  • superman24101994
    edited October 2012
    Build the last problem remains.


    Same problem with me

    You must restart your PC and restore default (Folder Setting)

  • coolcool1227

    Not resolved yet.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    On this I will need some scan logs:


    With the samples provided by ONT, this is not reproducing on the test machines.

    Thank you very much for understanding.

  • coolcool1227

    Sorry logs are not available because my laptop's Windows was crashed last week and I re-install the Windows. So quick response since the issue posted.

  • this problem existed on my old win xp with other BD products.The problem is with BD product,not with windows as I was using fresh OS installs.

  • rootkit

    Hello :)

    This issue was escalated to our developers.

    I will get back to you on this when I have more information.

    Have a great weekend!

  • coolcool1227

    More than three months have been since the issue was reported, but still not fixed even in the latest build. Couldn't understand why it takes so long to resolve every issue?

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭
    edited November 2012

    Hi Omer :)

    A disinfection routine can not be changed in a few days. You provided several malware for testing purposes, but my colleagues need to identify all the definitions that apply the current disinfection routine.

    And with more than 8 000 000 unique signatures is not an easy job.

    Thank you for your patience and for the cooperation with BitDefender team.

  • coolcool1227
    Hi Omer :)

    A disinfection routine can not be changed in a few days. You provided several malware for testing purposes, but my colleagues need to identify all the definitions that apply the current disinfection routine.

    And with more than 8 000 000 unique signatures is not an easy job.

    Thank you for your patience and for the cooperation with BitDefender team.

    Few days.....What? Its a very old bug in Bitdefender which has not been fixed yet.

    Here are few references

    2011 Version

    Hidden Files And Folders

    Visible File Extensions?!

    2012 version

    [escalated]bitdefender 2012 Issues, Three fallices that have been bugging since installion

    [escalated]a Bug In Av Plus 2012

    Hidden Files Auto-hide (win 7) And Auto Windows-update On (win Xp), 3 different problems in 3 different Windows PCs

    Bitdefender Resets Windows Options

    [escalated]bitdefender 2012 Issues, Three fallices that have been bugging since installion

    2013 Version

    Settings Changed After Installing Bitdefender, 2 win settings changed after installing bitdefender

    At present I know only these topics in which the same issue was reported which is still unresolved even after escalated many times. :rolleyes: But I hope this will may fix before the release of Bitdefender 2014 version :) .

    Best of luck.

  • coolcool1227

    I have a suggestion to improve this, that you should provide an option as suggested here Features Integration Request on point # 3.

  • I bought bitdefender antivirus recently. I have the same problem. I want to see all files always. I am very disapointed about the bad service abut this topic. Can hardly recommend the product up to now.

  • rootkit

    Hello :)

    We will try to solve this as soon as possible.

    I will get back to you when I have new information on this.

    Take care.

  • coolcool1227
    Hello :)

    We will try to solve this as soon as possible.

    I will get back to you when I have new information on this.

    Take care.

    Hopefully.... :rolleyes:

  • wega4


    just installed the trial version of BD Internet Security 2013 ( and did my first system scan. After this I have the same issue that BD changes the file/folder view options. No reason for confidence. Who knows what other settings are changed secretely which I haven't noticed yet?

    As ONT pointed out this problem was already reported in 2011. His last post is now 6 month old and no solution?

    I should mention that my scan found several infections in thunderbird trash folder, two cookies and an exe-file which I had compiled myself with Visual Studio, so nothing serious. No need to go through millions of signatures, just ask your developer team who changes the corresponding registry keys.

    "Take care" ... How long?


  • Rampant

    I confirm that the problem still remains.

  • coolcool1227
    coolcool1227 ✭✭✭
    edited June 2013
    As ONT pointed out this problem was already reported in 2011. His last post is now 6 month old and no solution?

    I should mention that my scan found several infections in thunderbird trash folder, two cookies and an exe-file which I had compiled myself with Visual Studio, so nothing serious. No need to go through millions of signatures, just ask your developer team who changes the corresponding registry keys.

    "Take care" ... How long?

    I did remembering the support time by time to answer and fix such old issues, but they are busy since the issu was reported for the first time may be in 2011. I can't understand why the developers think of it first before introducing the new or modified the disinfection routine?

    The time frame of "Take care for how long" is not known yet. May be there is a Time Dilation at their end, means on the forum its about three years since the issue have been reported while in the labs there may passed just few weeks. It seems that the labs are in other frame of reference where the time passed very slowly. :rolleyes: .....which is why we thought that we are getting delayed replies while they thought that they are giving prompt replies.

    FEW days of Technical Support = YEARS Passed for the forum users since they reported the issue ....... and this is one of the practical example of Time Dilation proposed by Albert Einstein. :)

  • Rampant
    Rampant ✭✭
    edited June 2013

    FEW days of Technical Support = YEARS Passed for the forum users since they reported the issue ....... and this is one of the practical example of Time Dilation proposed by Albert Einstein. :)


  • coolcool1227

    The subject issue get inherit from predecessors and remain in 2014 version as well.


  • wega4

    Is anybody from Bitdefender willing to respond? Is Christian gone into hiding?


  • At first I thought that it might be a problem with an infected pc but, I went and install it on different pc for clients and friends, as soon as it picks up any virus, you can't view hidden files and folders.

    I work normally with the hidden files for maintenance on the pc, sometimes even remove virus that was picked up and cannot be deleted by the anti-virus.

    The problem is that most of the time I want to get rid of the virus A.S.A.P. but because of the problem that I need to restart the pc to view the files to be deleted, the anti-virus already picked up the virus and hide the files & folders again, thus I remove the virus via command prompt where it normally takes me 5-15 sec, it takes me 2-10 min.

    Please sort this out because it getting really annoying.



  • At first I thought that it might be a problem with an infected pc but, I went and install it on different pc for clients and friends, as soon as it picks up any virus, you can't view hidden files and folders.

    I work normally with the hidden files for maintenance on the pc, sometimes even remove virus that was picked up and cannot be deleted by the anti-virus.

    The problem is that most of the time I want to get rid of the virus A.S.A.P. but because of the problem that I need to restart the pc to view the files to be deleted, the anti-virus already picked up the virus and hide the files & folders again, thus I remove the virus via command prompt where it normally takes me 5-15 sec, it takes me 2-10 min.

    Please sort this out because it getting really annoying.


    Oh yes I forgot to type the Internet Explorer also reset to about:blank after every virus detection.

  • Sia7ash


    I have the same issue here!

    please fix this bug!

  • it doesnt seem like bitdefender is willing to fix this bug, looking at how long it has been going on.

    I'm going to have to uninstall it.. the constant resetting of my folder options is unacceptable and frankly virus like.

  • Rohugh
    it doesnt seem like bitdefender is willing to fix this bug, looking at how long it has been going on.

    I'm going to have to uninstall it.. the constant resetting of my folder options is unacceptable and frankly virus like.

    You are posting in the 2013 forums, if you are still using that version consider updating to the latest version - 2015 - as that fixes many problems seen previously. Its free to do and you can use your existing License.

  • You are posting in the 2013 forums, if you are still using that version consider updating to the latest version - 2015 - as that fixes many problems seen previously. Its free to do and you can use your existing License.

    This is still not fixed in 2015! 3 YEARS LATER!!!

  • <img class=" /> :angry:<img class=" /> Just can't believe it, I'm just gonna have to go to another Antivirus. I thought the problem was resolve and after a long time a without using Bitdefender I NEVER had this problem with the other antivirus. As soon as I install it and picked up some cookies, it happens again like my previous posting. I'm really disappointed with the lack of even trying to give an update or even an answer why it keeps on doing it. Unfortunately I cannot use a product that's keeps interfering with my work. Still very disappointing. I'll slowly start to migrate my clients to a new antivirus, that's also great, but got a lot less problems. Thanks for Nothing!!!!
  • hloots
    edited October 2015
    <img class=" /> :angry:<img class=" />
  • Latest BIS 2016 on Windows 10 64-bit is still affected with this bug... :(

    What's going on???

  • Karl Nickel
    edited March 2016

    Antivirus Plus 2016 is also still affected with this bug. Any news on this or is there a workaround? If not, I have to move to another AV Software :-(

  • I

    More than three months have been since the issue was reported, but still not fixed even in the latest build. Couldn't understand why it takes so long to resolve every issue?

    It is normal, friend

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