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Bitdefender Free Does Not Work/breaks Google Chrome


Hello, I recently switched (about 10 min ago) to Bitdefender free from a previous antivirus solution and upon installation/reboot my default browser, Google chrome doesnt work. I tested to see if it was Bitdefender free causin the issue and upon testing it is (Chrome works after a uninstall of Bitdefender) is this a known issue? because I cannot use Bitdefender if this problem persists, Both FF and IE work with the installation. But Chrome is the lightest browser on my system and the most secure plus I enjoy the simplicity/interface

I am posting a picture of the problem

In the picture you can see chrome loads a "Blue page" and no matter what I press or what URL I enter it will never leave that page, I have uninstalled/reinstalled Chrome about 2 time as well as Bitdefender and nothing has solved the issue, I hope that this is a small issue as I have really enjoyed the product for the little time I have used it.




  • Hello,

    Has there been any word on this issue at all from the developers? Would really like to use this product again but I cannot stand using IE/FF as my web browsers (I know, but they do bother me that much!)


  • Hello,

    Can you tell us more details about your system configuration? What operating system are you using? what was your previous security product?

    We haven't encountered this problem until now.



  • Hello,

    My system information is Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1

    64 bit

    2gb of RAM

    Intel Celeron CPU B800 1.50Ghz

    My previous Security setup and current until the issue is resolved is

    Avast Free Antiviurs

    Comodo Firewall 6

    Malwarebytes anti-malware On-Demans

    Hitman Pro On-Demand

    The extentions I have loaded in Google Chrome are

    Avast Webrep (gone of course after uninstall)


    Ad-block Plus


    Forecast Fox

    I hope this helps


  • Hello,

    My system information is Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1

    64 bit

    2gb of RAM

    Intel Celeron CPU B800 1.50Ghz

    My previous Security setup and current until the issue is resolved is

    Avast Free Antiviurs

    Comodo Firewall 6

    Malwarebytes anti-malware On-Demans

    Hitman Pro On-Demand

    The extentions I have loaded in Google Chrome are

    Avast Webrep (gone of course after uninstall)


    Ad-block Plus


    Forecast Fox

    I hope this helps


    There seems to be a problem of compatibility between AVFree and Comodo Firewall on x64 systems. We will investigate further and keep you posted.



  • :) Thank you, I hope this compatibility issue gets resolved soon, thank you